Academic Catalog 2018-2019

to the present. Includes a study of biblical, theological, philosophical, and historical foun- dations in liturgy. Includes practical application of those foundations in worship planning for various seasons in the church year. MUS 3543 Congregational Christian Song A survey of Christian song from the beginning of the Christian Era to the present. Histori- cal analysis of hymns, and other congregational songs of the church with emphasis on their A study of the principles involved in organizing and implementing a fully age-graded mu- sic ministry, including leadership, audio/visuals, seasonal presentations, alternative wor- ship ministries, budgeting, programming, and multiple staff relationships. MUS 3573 Music History 1 A survey of the development of Western music with specialization in the composers, litera- ture, and style movements, from antiquity through the Baroque. Emphasis will be given to stylistic and aural analysis. Prerequisites: MUS 1613, 1623. MUS 3583 Music History 2 A continuation of MUS 3573, focusing on music from the Pre-Classical style period to the present. Emphasis given to aural and stylistic analysis. Prerequisite: MUS 3573 or Instruc- tor’s Permission. MUS 3653 Conducting I An introduction to the basic techniques of conducting, score, reading, interpretation and re- hearsal techniques, with an emphasis on instrumental conducting. Prerequisite: MUS 1613. MUS 3663 Conducting II Advanced conducting and rehearsal techniques are studied with an emphasis on choral conducting. Will include warm-up, rehearsal sequence, concert and contest preparation and the study and interpretation of works for orchestra, wind ensemble, and orchestral/choral works. Prerequisite: MUS 3653. MUS 1810 Piano Proficiency Level 1 Students will receive credit after passing Piano Proficiency Level 1 as indicated in the Music Department Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. Required of all music majors whose primary instrument is not piano. Music minors must fulfill this requirement or MUS 3910 Vocal Proficiency. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. MUS 2810 Piano Proficiency Level 2 Students will receive credit after passing Piano Proficiency Level 2 as indicated in the Mu- sic Department Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. Required of all music majors whose primary instrument is not piano except for those whose concen- tration is General Music with teacher licensure (PreK-12 Instrumental Music endorsement area) Prerequisite: MUS 1810 and Instructor’s Permission. MUS 3810 Piano Proficiency Level 3 Students will receive credit after passing Piano Proficiency Level 3 as indicated in the Mu- sic Department Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. Required of all music majors whose primary instrument is voice or whose concentration is General Music with teacher licensure (PreK-12 Vocal/Choral endorsement area) Prerequisite: MUS 2810 and Instructor’s Permission. sources, development and application in contemporary worship. MUS 3563 Introduction to Church Music Administration


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