Academic Catalog 2018-2019
HIS 3023 History of American Government and Politics James Madison once said that if men were angels, government would be unnecessary. Since the federal government is now in its third century of existence, it seems wise to become better acquainted with this concession to human imperfection. Accordingly, this course provides a comprehensive history of the establishment, structure, functions, and evolution of the government and politics of the United States of America. Starting with the roots of American nationalism and the theory of republican government, it tells the story of the disastrous initial government under the Articles of Confederation and how heated public debate and private bargaining crafted the Constitution which replaced it. Using this blueprint to interpret the governmental structure it created, we learn of the Founders’ dis- taste for political parties and why their formation was inevitable, and how the single big- gest constitutional flaw led to civil warfare and a new birth of freedom. As the nineteenth century gives way to the twentieth, we witness the naked ambition and selfless statesman- ship of American Presidents, the base partisanship and inspired compromises of American politicians, and the popular delusions and soaring dreams of the American electorate. We explore the role of the media, lobbyists, and special interest groups, the impact of Supreme Court decisions, and the ongoing debate over Constitutional interpretation and civil lib- erties as the course touches our own day. Designed for future teachers, prospective law enforcement personnel, and aspiring historians, this course bequeaths the knowledge nec- essary for an informed citizenry in a republic founded on the conviction that ordinary men and women can govern themselves. (Spring, Summer) HIS 3073 Ancient History An in-depth study of the ancient world, beginning with its roots in the pre-historic period and extending to A.D. 600. This course pays particular attention to Greek civilization and the Roman Republic and Empire. It also touches on the Near Eastern empires and ancient civilizations in Africa and Asia. Prerequisite: HIS 1033 or 1043 or 2013 or 2023 or Instruc- tor’s Permission. (Fall Even Years) HIS 3083 Medieval History A detailed study of the history of the Western World, beginning with Constantine and ex- tending to the beginnings of the Renaissance. Prerequisite: HIS 1033 or 1043 or 2013 or The course begins with the decline of feudalism and the rise of the Renaissance. It entails a history of the major social ideas leading to 16th century Religious upheaval, the Protestant Reformation and its aftermath, ending with the Treaty of Westphalia. Also included are European exploration and the origins of capitalism and colonialism. Prerequisite: HIS 1033 or 1043 or 2013 or 2023 or Instructor’s Permission. (Spring Odd Years) HIS 3163 19th Century America A detailed examination of the century which transformed the United States from a small confederation of agricultural states to a unified nation on the brink of world power. Cover- age includes slavery, civil warfare, western expansion, industrialization; requirements in- clude the examination and discussion of substantial books and a major writing assignment. Prerequisite: HIS 1033 or 1043 or 2013 or 2023 or Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) HIS 3193 History of Virginia This study traces the history of the Old Dominion from 1607 to the present. Besides em- phasizing Virginia’s role in the American Revolution and Civil War, it also examines the state’s contributions to American political thought and requires detailed reading and dis- 2023 or Instructor’s Permission. (Spring Odd Years) HIS 3093 The Renaissance and Reformation
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