Academic Catalog 2018-2019
Formal admission to student teaching. Licensure candidates must make at least a C (not C-) in Student Teaching in order to be recommended for licensure. (6 credit hours)
The Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education is a non-licensure program within the School of Education beginning in Fall 2014. A bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education prepares individuals to teach children ages birth to age eight in high- quality, developmentally appropriate settings including Head Start, child care, and day care. PreSchool workers in the field play a vital role in the development of young children. While this major does not result in a teaching license, earning a BS degree in Early Childhood Education provides opportunities in a variety of settings outside the public school system, such as childcare programs, churches, government agencies, non-profit organizations, medical and health related services, and social service agencies. Careers could include directly working with children, supervision and training of staff, support and education for families, and advocacy within the community about the education and needs of children. Program Description The BS in ECE will be delivered in a totally online format with occasional optional offerings in a traditional or seminar format. Courses in ECE will be combined with current course offerings in education to provide a rigorous high quality major. Because this is not a licensure program, students are not required to be admitted to the Bluefield College School of Education Teacher Education Program or pass the Virginia licensure assessments, and with the online format, this program is accessible to a wide variety of potential students.
Early Childhood Education A. General Education and Degree Requirements – 52 or 53 hours
B. Early Childhood Major Requirements – 51 hours 1. Early Childhood Courses: ECE 2013, ECE 2023, ECE 2033, ECE 2043, ECE 3053, ECE 3063, ECE 3073, ECE 3083, ECE 4093, ECE 4103 2. Education Courses: EDU 2212, EDU 3133, EDU 3163, EDU 3193 3. English Course: ENG 3053 4. Field Experience Courses: ECE 2011, ECE 3113/3133 OR ECE 4123/4143 C. Minor
ECE 2013 Foundation of Early Childhood Education ECE 3083 Observing and Assessing Young Children ECE 4093 Program Development for Young Children ECE 4103 Family, School & Community Involvement Select one of the following courses: ECE 3073 Designing Physical Environments EDU 3133 Introduction to the Exceptional Child
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