Academic Catalog 2018-2019
agement techniques and individual interventions based on educational theory and best practice research. Students will develop means of improving communication between schools and families and ways of increasing family involvement in student learning at home and in school. This course will address these approaches within the context of home and community. EDU 5323 Research in Education In this course, students will examine educational research (both qualitative and quanti- tative) and statistical methods in light of current research on effective teaching, school practices, and data-driven decision making. Candidates locate, read, and critique research and develop a research proposal relative to important classroom and school issues which will be applied when completing their culminating research project in the research class following this course. EDU 5333 Teachers as Leaders In this course, students will examine models of teacher-leadership in the classroom, the school, community, and beyond. They will gain strategies for goal-setting, planning, imple- menting, evaluating, and revising plans for improvement. Communication, networking, and motivation skills will be emphasized within a framework of persistence. EDU 5343 Action Research in Education Candidates identify a specific classroom, school, or community-based educational problem, then design and conduct a research project written in formal academic APA style that ad- dresses the candidate’s integration of the professional knowledge and the School of Educa- tion’s conceptual framework in the non-thesis graduate program. The project is completed independently in consultation with a project advisor. (Candidates must be eligible to graduate in the subsequent academic term.) Prerequisite: EDU 5323 Research in Education EDU 5553 Field Experience Practicum Licensure candidates are placed in a public school classroom for practical experience as an observer/participant under the supervision of classroom teachers and college faculty. Licen- sure candidates will attend class seminars as scheduled and will spend 100 hours in a public school classroom. Prerequisites: EDU 5113 Advanced Educational Psychology and one other graduate level education course. Teacher preparation entry assessments required by the Commonwealth of Virginia must be passed prior to beginning the course (Currently: Praxis Core Math (5732) and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment: Reading subtest (091) and Writing subtest (092). Background check requirements must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the Student Virginia Education Association is required for placement. EDU 5556 Student Teaching Internship Student teaching internship is a semester of continuous full-time professional activities in a public school under the supervision of public school and college personnel. Licensure candi- dates assume the role of teacher to plan and implement instruction, to manage the classroom, and to facilitate record-keeping. Licensure candidates also compile a professional teaching portfolio based on the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium of the Council of State School Officers (CC- SSO), published April, 2011. Prerequisites: License assessments required by the Common- wealth of Virginia must be passed prior to beginning the course. Background check require- ments must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the Student Virginia Education Association is required for placement.
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