Academic Catalog 2018-2019
BUS 5393 Financial Management The Financial management course will include the examination of interest rates, stock financing, debt financing, bond financing varieties, and the determination of appropriate rates of return in a variety of contexts. Other important course topics include hybrid securi- ties, security options, convertible bonds, as well as mergers and acquisitions. A variety of ethical issues, related to financial management will also be examined. BUS 5406 Global Business Competition and Leadership Internship 6 SH Capstone course: This course uses an extensive and reflective team-based service learn- ing project in a business, community center, state agency, or non-profit organization as a laboratory to learn about management, leadership, and organizations. In addition, students participate in business simulation, GSB, with other MBA students across the US. Team presentations are required. The course develops skills in leading teams, organizations, community partnerships, and societal and global management initiatives. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of all business core and leadership specialization courses. BUS 5153 Corporate Tax This course provides a detailed examination of tax problems of corporations and their shareholders. Topics covered include tax consequences of the formation of a corporation, operational alternatives, distributions from a corporation to its shareholders, redemptions of stock, liquidations of corporations, and penalty taxes. Tax planning techniques involving these transactions are discussed. BUS 5163 Advanced Financial Management Examines the problems faced by the corporate financial manager on the theoretical, ana- lytical, and applied levels. The impact of the financing decision upon the value of the firm is analyzed. Theoretical and analytic aspects of the capital budgeting decision are exam- ined with emphasis on methods of incorporating risk into the capital budgeting decision. BUS 5173 Investment Analysis and Management Provides overview of the fields of security analysis and portfolio management. Introduces the analysis of individual investments with special reference to common stocks and bonds. Designed for the finance major who is interested in the security/investment area as a pos- sible career. BUS 5183 Small Business Finance Financing problems that face a new and/or small business can be broken into financial planning, valuing, and raising capital. These topics form the main portion of this course. The course is designed for those planning to start a business or take over an existing busi- ness. It will also be beneficial for those planning careers that must interact with a small or new business. BUS 5193 Corporate Risk and Insurance Management Provides a survey of the current practices of businesses in protecting themselves from chance events that threaten their assets or their operations. Options ranging from risk prep- aration to transfer of risk to others, such as suppliers, are considered. Pre-requisite Finan-
cial Management BUS 5393 BUS 5406 Finance Capstone
Capstone course with opportunity for paid internship. Students may also identify a service based community project for 6 SH. All core business and finance specializations courses must be successfully completed.
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