Academic Catalog 2018-2019
subsequently develop a plan for their leadership growth. Teaching and learning methods will be a combination of theoretical and applied readings, threaded discussions, lectures, contemporary leader case studies, self-assessments, and written and oral presentations. BUS 5313 Business Research Methods and Applications This course will focus on research problem identification, sampling, data collection, survey, and experimental research. In this course, research design and a variety of statistical tech- niques will be examined. The statistical techniques covered include correlation, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance. Students will do a course-related project. BUS 5323 Human Resource Management The human resource management course focuses on human resource management and ad- ministration. This course benefits those with human resource management responsibilities. A variety of cases will be used to enforce important course topics. BUS 5333 Operations and Project Management The operations management course examines the design, planning, control and the im- provement of manufacturing operations, of service operations as well as other business contexts. Analytical methods for solving management problems, construction of math- ematical models and advanced quantitative decision techniques will be used for solving operational problems in business contexts. In this course, a wide variety of analytical tech- niques will be utilized. For example, corporate current year actual results will be compared and analyzed using budget information as well corporate actual result information from the prior year(s). Project management principles will also be examined. BUS 5343 Marketing Management Domestic and international marketing management will be examined in this course. For example, this course will include case studies covering important marketing concepts such as pricing, promotion, advertising, and distribution concepts. Other important course topics include product quality, customer service, and differing competitive environments. BUS 5353 Organizational Behavior Managers are confronted by new challenges created by the global economy, pressures to improve performance, and demands to produce more with less. Students will learn how organizations operate as systems through diverse strategies. Materials are drawn from a range of perspectives including management, organizational psychology, and sociology. The course will integrate these perspectives and stress their application to organizations. BUS 5363 Legal and Ethical Business Issues Legal and ethical issues directly affecting managers are examined in this course. This course will include an examination of the American Legal System, as well as the impor- tance for ethical decision making in business contexts. Case studies will cover many of the important course concepts. BUS 5373 Managerial Economics Managerial economics examines economic theory and economic analysis with a focus on the techniques that are useful for the business decision-making process. Coverage of do- mestic and international issues will be utilized in this course. BUS 5383 International Business The International business course examines the global economy, current trading blocs, in- ternational trade regulations, cooperative working arrangements, and international financ- ing options. International trade theories and guiding principles will also be examined.
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