Academic Catalog 2018-2019
BUS 3543 Intermediate Accounting II Continuation of BUS 3533. Prerequisite: BUS 3533. (Every Spring) BUS 3563 Cost Accounting
Cost gathering for inventory pricing and determining income. Planning and control cost behavior concepts. Job order, process cost systems, standard costs, and budgeting. Prereq- uisite: BUS 2543. (On Demand) BUS 3613 Money and Banking Functions of money, monetary systems, credit, banking, the Federal Reserve System, in- vestments, and monetary policy. Prerequisite: BUS 2523. (On Demand) BUS 3713 Organizational Theory and Behavior This course takes a behavioral science approach to organizational management challenges created by the interaction of individuals, groups, and organizations. The focus is to deter- mine how knowledge gained about individual and group behavior and organization design impacts organizational effectiveness. Job satisfaction is tightly coupled with social rela- tionships among co-workers and supervisors and is also explored during the course. Top- ics examined include motivation, leadership, interpersonal communication, group structure and processes, personality, emotions, and values, conflict and negotiation, organizational change, and work design. Prerequisite: BUS 3013 or Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) BUS 3823 Database Concepts Study database terminology, physical design and types of database structures, data model- ing, DBMS, and DBMS selection. (Alternating Fall) BUS 3903 Business Ethics This upper level course is included in the core curriculum for Business majors with a Man- agement concentration, and offered as an elective to students from other concentrations and majors. This course focuses on the ethical aspect of relationships among the various stakeholder groups – employees, customers, suppliers, governments, and society. Business ethics are examined in the context of human behavior and marketplace issues. Classic viewpoints are presented, as well as contemporary application to the current business envi- ronment. The text provides a rich assortment of business cases with discussion questions. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (Fall) BUS 4003 Information Technology Internship See Criteria for Internships on p. 164. Prerequisite: Computer experience and instructor’s permission. (Fall and Spring) BUS 4013 Quantitative Methods for Management Business problems with spatial and time-variant elements are modeled and analyzed. Pre- requisite: MAT 2023 and SR Standing. (Every Fall) BUS 4033 Human Resources Management This course will examine the challenges of current human resource management within the context of a dynamic business environment that is constantly changing. The worldwide recession and accompanying downsizing, changing government and information technolo- gies combined with intensifying global competition have all contributed to the growing complexity of HRM issues. The course will explore several current HR theories , perfor- mance management systems, and organizational development systems.. Prerequisite: BUS 3013. (Every Spring)
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