Academic Catalog 2018-2019
BUS 3203 Public Relations (same as COM 3203) Overview of the history of public relations in American society. Study of theories and methods involved in successful communication between organizations and their publics. (Fall and Spring) BUS 3223 Business Communication This course is designed to aid students in developing and refining both their written and oral communication skills, which are necessary to effectively and efficiently communi- cate in a professional business environment. This will be accomplished through planning, composing and evaluating written communication, report writing and oral presentations. Current theories of communication, perceptions, and semantics will be used. Teaching/ learning methods will include reading, critical thinking, close analysis of business and professional documents, in-class writing and oral exercises, brief lectures, formal writing A comprehensive examination of the research, planning and production required to cre- ate and evaluate advertising campaigns. Attention is given to the interrelationship among advertising creative strategy, management issues and message impact. Prerequisite: BUS 3023. (On Demand) BUS 3283 - Mobile Development – HTML5 This course will start putting everything together that students have learned in previous courses and begin applying this knowledge to mobile development that will allow them to create applications and website that function on whatever device the user may use. BUS 3283 builds on the concepts taught in the previous courses. Prerequisite: BUS 3823 (on demand) BUS 3293 - Advanced Mobile Development This course builds upon BUS 3283 Introduction to Mobile Development and allows stu- dents to build advanced mobile applications through the continued use of HTML5, CSS3, PHP and introduces the use of Node.js with MongoDB to provide a more robust mobile experience. Students will also use the Apache Cordova framework that will allow them to transfer web applications to native applications for iOS and Android. Prerequisite: BUS 3283 (On Demand) BUS 3333 Visual C++ Software development using object-oriented C++ programming. Prerequisite: BUS 2313 or Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) BUS 3343 Advanced Visual C++ Software development using object-oriented C++ programming. Prerequisite: BUS 3333. (On Demand) BUS 3513 Business Finance Principles and methods of financing business organizations. Prerequisite: BUS 2543. (Ev- ery Spring) BUS 3533 Intermediate Accounting I Preparation of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Problems in cash, receivables, inventories, plant assets, liabilities, capital stock, and retained earnings. Prerequisite: BUS 2543. (Every Fall) assignments, group projects and in-class testing. (Fall and Spring) BUS 3243 Advertising and Promotions (Same as COM 3243)
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