Academic Catalog 2017-2018
THR 1413 Theatre Appreciation or ART 1413 Art Appreciation
Science (one course must be a science with lab)
8 SH
Human Biology BIO 1113 and BIO 1111 Biology Lab or PHS 1033 Physical Science and PHS 1031 Physical Science Lab
Social Science
Choose two: 6 SH PLS 1013 American Government & Politics or PLS 2043 State & Local Politics or PSY 4503 Positive Psychology-The Study of Happiness or SOC 1013 Introduction to Sociology
CHM 2203 Chemistry & Culture
3 SH
Total General Studies Requirements
62 SH
Composition – 6 SH ENG 1013 Intro to the Writing Process (available for online students)
3 SH 3 SH
ENG 1023 Argumentative and Analytical Writing
(available for online students) Literature – 3 SH ENG 2003 Literature Appreciation (available for online students)
3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH
ENG 2013 British Literature I ENG 2023 British Literature II ENG 2033 American Literature I ENG 2043 American Literature II ENG 2053 World Literature I ENG 2063 World Literature II ENG 4213 Medieval Literature
ENG 4223 Renaissance British Literature
ENG 4233 Shakespeare
ENG 4243 Eighteenth Century British Literature ENG 4253 Nineteenth Century British Literature ENG 4263 Nineteenth Century American Literature ENG 4283 Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature
ENG 4503 Special Topics in Literature
Christian Studies 3 SH – Traditional Students* 6 SH – Online Students** *Traditional students are required to take CST 1103 Biblical Perspectives **Online students must complete 3 SH in one Christian Studies course at Bluefield College, and the remaining 3 SH may be transferred in. CST 1103 Biblical Perspectives (available for online students) 3 SH CST 2403 Ethics (available for online students) 3 SH
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