Academic Catalog 2017-2018
ticipate in commencement exercises. No exception will be made to these requirements. 8. A student who already holds a bachelor’s degree and desires to earn a second degree must meet all requirements for the second major and complete at least 30 semester hours of Bluefield College coursework beyond the first degree. All additional require- ments above must also be met. A student may be awarded two degrees (B.A. & B.S.) simultaneously by earning 30 hours of Bluefield College coursework beyond those required for a single degree (a total of 156 hours) and completing all requirements for both degrees. 9. The student is required to participate in the College’s assessment of the educational impact it has had on its graduating students. The method of assessment depends on the major, but may include recitals, written and/or oral examinations, etc. The student must participate in the assessment selected by his/her major. Some students will also be selected for participation in the assessment of the general education program. Early Degree Conferral Early Degree Conferral may be granted for students who complete their degree requirements and have specific circumstances that require the degree to be conferred prior to the next graduation ceremony. The Early Degree Conferral Form must be completed by the student and returned to BC Central. The Early Degree Conferral Committee and Vice President for Academic Affairs will make a decision on the conferral and the Registrar will notify the student. THE TWO–YEAR ONLINE ASSOCIATE PROGRAM Associate of Science in General Studies Course Title Semester Hours (SH) Christian Studies CST 1103 Biblical Perspectives 6 SH
and CST 2403 Ethics *One (1) Christian Studies course (3 SH) must be completed through Bluefield College.
BUS 2513 Principles of Macroeconomics
6 SH
BUS 2603 Personal Finance
ENG 1013 Intro. to Writing and ENG 1023 Argumentative and Analytical Writing
6 SH
COR 2002 Personal Wellness
2 SH
Choose one World History
6 SH
and one US History
ENG 2003 Literature Appreciation and ENG 2043 American Literature II
6 SH
MAT 1213 College Algebra
3 SH
COR 2002 Personal Wellness Lab
1 SH
COM 1023 Fundamentals of Speech
3 SH
Fine Arts
Choose two:
6 SH
MUS 1413 Music Appreciation or
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