Academic Catalog 2017-2018
faculty the semester prior to the internship to make arrangements for the internship site. Prerequisites: History Major, Junior or Senior standing. HIS 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics A specialized course of study for qualified students, offered on demand. Prerequisite: JR/ SR Standing. HIS 1033 or 1043 or 2013 or 2023 or Instructor’s Permission. HIS 4603 Senior Seminar A capstone course for history majors to be taken during the senior year. Students integrate themes from coursework, explore various historical authors and works, and complete a research project on an historical topic. (On Demand) HONORS PROGRAM (HON) The Bluefield College Honors Program is an interdisciplinary curriculum that provides a stimulating academic environment and intellectual challenge for highly motivated students. Students who complete the Honors Program will receive the designation, “Honors in ____,” inscribed on their transcripts and be recognized as first graduates in the commencement ceremony. • participate in an interdisciplinary junior seminar which integrates various area of knowledge culminating in a significant research project in any area of your interest. • join in an interdisciplinary senior seminar highlighting the landscape of your intellectual odyssey • travel to Washington, D.C. and other urban areas • attend regional and national Honors conferences Scholarships are available to all Honors students. ADMISSION TO PROGRAM Incoming Freshman: ACT score of 25 or SAT score of 1100 or eligibility for Presidents Scholarship. Submission of the Bluefield College Honors Program application. REQUIREMENTS Six Honors General Education courses: chosen from English, Social Science History, Communications, Fine Arts, Christian Studies, Natural Science (w/ lab), and Health: 18 Hours (or 19 w/ lab science) HON 3013 Honors Junior Seminar 3 Hours: In-depth interdisciplinary investigation of issues in students’ majors culminating in a term project of the students’ design. HON 4011 Honors Senior Seminar 1 Hour: Joint discussion of a central concept that links students’ intellectual odysseys. HONORS PROGRAM SCHEDULE • Students will be advised to follow the honors schedule in choosing particular general education courses. Ideally these six courses would be taken during the students’ freshman and sophomore years. They will be allowed to complete these requirements by the end of their senior year. • It is recommended students take two Honors courses their first semester. Through the Honors Program, students have the opportunity to: • take exclusive, small specially focused general education seminars
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