Academic Catalog 2017-2018
Within Major Electives (Choose 12 additional semester hours of the following) COM 1013 Mass Communication ART 1413 Art Appreciation or ART 2413 Studies in Modern Art ART 2013 Figure Drawing ART 2053 Painting I COM 3023 Public Relations I
ART 3033 Photography ART 3043 Printmaking II COM 3243 Advertising & Promotions
COM 3303 Public Relations II COM 3743 Video Storytelling
COM 4003 Media Law COM 4013 Media Ethics
ART/COM 4423 Designing for Graphic Customers (Repeatable) ART/COM 4503 Special Topics in Graphic Communication COM 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study
12 SH
Electives TOTAL
20 SH 126 SH
Minor in Graphic Communication Choose at least three courses from the following: ART/COM 3733 Typography Design & History ART/COM 1723 Intro to Graphic Design Photoshop & Illustrator ART/COM 2723 Publishing with InDesign ART/COM 2733 Trends in Web Design And 9 additional semester hours from the list of major requirements COURSES OF INSTRUCTION See Art, p. 86, Communication, p. 110, and Business, p. 94. GREEK (GRK) See Biblical Languages, p. 89. HEALTH (HEA)
18 SH
Minor in Health: HEA 3413; HEA 3513; HEA 3523; HEA 4003; HEA 4503 and one course approved by ESS Department Chair selected from ESS, SOC; PSY, BIO; or CHM. Courses selected from Sociology, Psychology, or Exercise and Sport Science may be selected to replace one of the Health courses listed with permission of ESS Department Chair. If a student majoring in Exercise and Sport Science elects a minor in health, courses must be added to include courses not required in the major. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION HEA 2023 Health Psychology (Same as PSY 2023) This course will examine cognitive, behavioral, and biological approaches to health psychology. (On Demand)
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