APS_April 2023
J ournal of the A merican P omological S ociety
tion of sweetness of the fruit (Sater et al., 2021). Neither trait was affected by graft ing in any of the studied seasons. All fruit reached the expected TSS values for SHB ‘Patrecia’ (higher than 10 %) (Munoz, 2016). However TSS:TTA declined drastically dur ing late season in 2022, below the expected values (higher than 14 units). This decline in fruit quality (lower TSS and higher TTA) might be related to increasing night tempera tures during the late spring in Florida. Simi lar declines have been documented in straw berry (Menzel, 2022) and grape (Gaiotti et al., 2018). This was the only occasion when fruit quality was below the commercial stan dard. Since fruit from all treatments was af fected, these results suggest that sparkleberry rootstocks did not have an influence on the internal fruit quality of blueberry fruits. Summary Blueberry plants grafted onto sparkle berry rootstocks R1 and R2 produced more fruit than own-rooted blueberry plants start ing three years after planting in a minimally amended (50% of the recommended amount of pine bark) soil. Grafting reduced berry firmness, but fruit quality attributes met or exceeded commercial standards. These find ings suggest that grafting SHB onto sparkle berry clonal rootstocks is a promising ap proach to producing commercial yields of high-quality fruit in soils with higher pH and lower amounts of pine bark. Additional re search is necessary to identify rootstock-sci on combinations that maximize productivity and longevity while minimizing soil input requirements. References Cited Bowerman, J.R., Spiers, J.D., Coneva, E., Tilt, K.M., Blythe, E. K., Marshall, D.A. 2013. Propagation of sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) improved via cutting type. Acta Hort. 1014, 385-388. https://doi. org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1014.87 Cappai, F., Benevenuto, J., Ferrão, L. F. V., Munoz, P. 2018. Molecular and genetic bases of fruit firm ness variation in blueberry - a review. Agron. 8(9), p. 174. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy8090174
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