A True Disciple

Our part is to believe, by faith, that Christ died for our sins. His death came about on a cross more than two thousand years ago; God demonstrated His sacrificial love by becoming a man. God the Son humbled Himself, laid aside His eternal glory, and entered the world so that He could be the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin. His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection three days later, defeated Satan ’ s strategy to prevent man from being reconciled to God. By paying the supreme price for our sin, Christ offers the opportunity for all who believe in Him to be free from sin and death. Responding to the gospel qualifies us to “ share in the inheritance of the saints in light, ” (Colossians 1:12). As we delve further into the scriptures, we find additional insight in 2 Corinthians 5:17 of the dramatic change that takes place after becoming a new creation. Paul reveals to us an amazing truth that perhaps is often overlooked in this passage. After telling us that being in Christ is becoming a new creation Paul ends the verse by saying the “ old has gone and the new has come. ” This is an important statement and one that we should explore more fully. The “ old ” and the “ new ” represent two kingdoms. For example, in Colossians 1:13, we read, “ He (Christ) has Delivered From The Old To The New


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