A True Disciple
is of first importance. Like Paul, we must lay aside those things that prevent us from pursuing Him. We must put those things behind us that prevent us from following Him with our whole heart and then submit to His lordship without reservation. This allows Christ to live His life through us. It is through this exchanged life that we are able to impact the world effectively as we preach the gospel and make disciples. Remember, as we pursue Christ, He is pursuing us. To the church of Laodicea, John writes concerning Christ: “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me ” (Rev 3:20). Here is a beautiful picture of Christ ’ s desire to be intimate with His church. He is calling us to open our hearts and allow him entrance without limits. To all who do, He offers fellowship at His table, the blessings of His presence, and fullness of joy as they abide with Him. He invites us to partake of His divine nature and to enjoy the beauty of His holiness. Since God is always at work around us, there will be abundant opportunities for good works. Because we are His ambassadors, we should anticipate that He will use us to work in His kingdom. Therefore, our character should be free from the slavery of fleshly appetites and moral A is for ANTICIPATE
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