A True Disciple

Joy is the awareness of God ’ s presence and the confidence of His grace extended toward us.

should be in the forefront of our thinking. Joy is the awareness of God ’ s presence and the confidence of His grace extended toward us.

This grace, which is His power and His ability, is working through our weaknesses thereby accomplishing His work through us for the cause of Christ. Abiding in Him and in the truth of His Word will prevent the enemy from stealing our joy and robbing us of the blessings that are ours in Christ.


Our Mind Is The Battlefield

In our Christian lives, we will face more than trials alone, but spiritual adversaries as well. The Bible is clear concerning Satan, our spiritual nemesis, and how we are to stand against him. We must not be ignorant of the Devils schemes (2 Cor 2:11). Our strength to stand against him is rooted in our relationship with Christ. It is not ours to rail against the devil or to try to bind him as some do, for he is the god of this world system and he is very powerful. Our warfare is centered around the thoughts and attitudes of the mind. This is where we meet the enemy head -


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