A True Disciple

For example, in Romans 6:6, Paul shows us that every believer has been crucified with Christ. The implication is that the “ body of sin, ” or the flesh, can no longer enslave the believer and they are able to walk in freedom without the bondage of sin. In Romans 6:11 he continues by saying “ reckon or count yourselves dead to sin. ” This is possible because the believer has been set free from its power through the cross of Christ by His death and resurrection. Paul further states to reckon or count yourselves “ alive to God in Christ Jesus. ” Therefore, when those who are deceived hear and apply the truth to their lives, righteousness triumphs and freedom prevails. The key to maintaining that freedom is to “ continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed (2 Tim 3:14). What does it mean to contend for the faith? First, it means we are “ fighting the good fight of faith ” and “ taking hold of the eternal life to which [we] were called ” (1 Tim 6:12). In other words, we stand in opposition to the philosophies of the world system (Col 2:8), and we “ press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus ” (Phil 3:14). Second, we “ continue in what [we] have learned and have firmly believed ” (2 Tim 3:14), meaning, all that the CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH


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