A True Disciple
Disciples Have Divine Ability
Our understanding of divine truth, however, is dependent upon the Holy Spirit. He leads us “ into all truth (Jn 16;13). When we heard the Word of truth, the gospel of our salvation, and we believed in Christ, we were “ sealed with the promised Holy Spirit ” (Eph 1:13). He now dwells in us and “ is the guarantee of our inheritance, ” our heavenly reward, “ until we acquire possession of it ” (Eph 1:14). Through Him we have divine ability to live a life that is no longer bound to this world ’ s system. He helps us commune with God and understand His character and mind. He is our advocate to the Father when we are struggling with knowing how to pray, and He intercedes for us “ with groanings too deep for words ” (Rom 8:26). He is our instructor and counselor; He is our guide and our divine power to carry out all things that pertain to life and godliness to advance the kingdom of Christ.
Disciples Are Partakers Of The Divine Nature
Peter states that we are able to become a “ partaker of [God ’ s] divine nature ” through our knowledge of Him and “ by His precious and very great promises ” (2 Pet 1:4). In other words, God
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