A True Disciple
have a longing for it, placed there by the Holy Spirit. Peter describes it as having a craving for the Word, “ like a newborn baby ” who craves its mother ’ s milk, so “ that by it [they] can grow up into salvation ” (1 Pet 2:2). Let ’ s examine some of the benefits of the Word. Psalm 119:130 states: “ The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. ” In other words, the Word penetrates the heart and instructs those who are unskilled and unlearned in the ways of God. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that the Word is “ alive and powerful, sharper than a double edged sword ” and is even able to “ discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. ” It is also “ profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness so that [we] may be equipped for every good work ” (2Tim 3:16, 17). The Word also instructs us in practical ways, such as helping us understand our relationship to Christ, our relationship to the church, and our relationship to one another. It is invaluable in directing us as we navigate the world in which we live. The Word instills within us a biblical worldview that enables us to respond to the culture in which we live with the wisdom of God. Similarly, the Word of God acts a plumb line with which He measures our spiritual progress. In Amos chapter 7, the LORD showed the
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