What is an Architecture Framework? • An architecture framework establishes a common practice for creating, interpreting, analyzing and using architecture descriptions within a particular domain of application or stakeholder community. ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 • Architecture is often equated with structure. This might even be true, given a sufficiently general notion of structure. This issue goes to the heart of the Standard, which rests on two principles: • (I) The fundamental concepts of systems are increasingly non-physical and increasingly removed from what has been traditionally called "structure". In this tradition, "structure" usually refers to the components and organization of physically identifiable things, such as hardware entities or software objects such as modules. • (II) All architecture views of the system are of equal importance . The Standard does not assume that a physical-structural view is primary or that it can be used to derive other views or properties of the system. http://www.iso-architecture.org/42010/faq.html#whstruct
Architecture Frameworks
• Zachman http://www.zachman.com/images/ZI_PIcs/ibmsj2603e.pdf • Information framework proposed 1987 by Zachman, extended later • Rows with viewpoints: Planner, Owner, Designer, Builder, Detail, System, Actual • Columns with scope: Why, How, What, Who, Where, When • TOGAF http://www.opengroup.org/togaf/ • The Open Group Architecture Framework for enterprise architecture • Four main domains: Business, Application, Data and Technology • FEAF http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/e-gov/fea • Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework – for government • Reference models: Performance, Business, Service, Data, Technical • Architecture levels: Enterprise, Segment and Solution
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