2024 Ruritan National Convention Program




Tara McClary Reeves is a passionate teacher of the joys and challenges that come from being a committed follower of Jesus Christ. She is also Lee's wife; mother of Caroline, Daniel, and Harrison; a sought-after speaker; the host of "Point Me to Jesus;" and an award-winning children's book author. Tara lives in Greensboro, NC. She counts it a joy and privilege to daily point her children to the Lord. Tara McClary R eves is a passionate teacher of the joys and chall nges that come from being a committed follower of Jesus Christ. She i also Lee's wife; mother of Caroline, Daniel, and Harrison; a sough -after sp aker; the h st of "Point Me to Jesus;" and n award-wi ning children's book author. Tara lives in Greensboro, NC. She counts it a joy and privilege to daily point her children to the Lord. Tara McCl ry Reev s is a p ssion te teacher of t j ys and ch lleng s tha come from being a committed follower of Jesus Christ. S e is al o Lee' wife; mother of Caroline, Dani l, and Harrison; a ught-af er speak r; the ost f "Point Me to Jesus;" and an ward-winni g children's book auth r. Tara lives in Gree sboro, NC. She counts it a joy and privilege to daily point her children to the L rd.

Deanna McClary prefers recognition as the loving wife of Lt. Clebe McClary, but her accomplishments truly define her as a “SHEro!” Married in 1967 to her “prince charming,” Deanna had dreams of living a quiet life in her home state of South Carolina. Separated by war less than 6 months after their marriage; Deanna was soon faced De nna McCla y p efers recognition as the loving wife of Lt. Clebe McClary, but her accomplishments truly d fin her s a “SHEro!” Marr ed in 1967 to he “prince charming,” De nn had dreams of living a quiet life in er home state of South Carolina. Separated by war less than 6 months af er their m rriag ; De nn was soon faced Deann McCl ry prefers recognition as the loving wife of Lt. Clebe McClary, but her accomplish ent truly defin h r as “SHEro!” Married n 1967 to her “p ince charming,” Deanna h d dreams of living a quiet l fe n her om state of S uth Carolina. Sep rated by war less than 6 mo ths after their marri ge; Deanna w s soon faced

with the news her husband had suffered life-threatening injuries during his March 1968 reconnaissance mission in Vietnam. Deanna stayed with Clebe every step of the next 2.5 years and over 30 operations of his recovery and rehabilitation. Deanna’s life exemplifies the principles of work-ethic, loyalty, integrity, determination and what she refers to as “stick-a-bility.” Her lessons on love and commitment will inspire and encourage you in overcoming the obstacles in marriage and in all areas of life. with th news er husband had suffered life-thr aten g injuries during his March 1968 reconnaissance miss on in Vietnam. De nn stayed with Clebe every step of the next 2.5 ye rs and over 30 operations of his recovery and rehabilitation. De nna’s life exemplifies the principles of work-ethic, lo alty, integrity, determ natio and what she refers to as “stick-a-bility.” Her les ons n love and com itment will inspire and encourage you in overcoming the obstacles in m rriage a d in ll reas of life. with the news her husband had suffered li -threatening juries during his March 1968 reconnaissa ce mission n Vietnam. Deann st yed with Clebe ev ry step of the n xt 2.5 years nd over 30 operati ns of his recove y and ehabilitation. Dea na’s life exemplifi s the principles of work-ethic, loyalt , integrity, determinat on and what she refe s to as “stick-a-b lity.” Her lesson on l ve and commit ent will i sp re and encourage you in overcoming the obstacles in marr ge and i ll reas of life.

Originally from Las Vegas, Nevada, Phil Urban has been performing professionally for more than 25 years. His exciting show covers music through the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Phil demonstrates the evolution and progression of music through these three decades with marvelous set and costume changes. Be prepared for a fabulous evening of music and entertainment! Originally from Las Vegas, Nevada, Phil Urban has been performing professionally for more than 25 years. His exciting show covers music through the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Phil demonstra es the evolutio and p ogressi n of music through these three decades with marvelous set and costume changes. B repared for a fab lous evening of music and ntertainment! Originally from Las Veg , Nevada, Phil Urban has been performing professionally for more than 25 years. His exciting show covers music through the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Phil demonstrates he volution and prog essi n f music through these three d cades with marvelous s t and costume changes. Be pr ared for a fabulous evening of music and ent rtainment!

Originally from Las Vegas, Nevada,




a joy and privilege to daily point her children to the Lord. Deanna McClary prefers recognition as the loving wife of Lt. Clebe McClary, but her

accomplishments truly define her as a “SHEro!” Married in 1967 to her “prince

charming,” Deanna had dreams of living a quiet life in her home state of South Carolina. Separated by

war less than 6 months after their marriage; Deanna was soon faced with the news her husband had suffered life-threatening injuries during his March 1968 reconnaissance mission in Vietnam. Deanna stayed with Clebe every step of the next 2.5 years and over 30 operations of his recovery and rehabilitation. Deanna’s life exemplifies the principles of work-ethic, loyalty, integrity, determination and what she refers to as “stick-a-bility.” Her

lessons on love and commitment will inspire and encourage you in overcoming the obstacles in marriage and in all areas of life.

an award-winning children's book author. Tara lives in Greensboro, NC. She counts it

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