2024 Ruritan National Convention Program
Your Ruritan National Foundation 2 p.m - 3 p.m. Salem Foundation Trustees What you always wanted to know. Bring the questions that you have always wanted to get answered. Painting a Lasting Picture to End Hunger One Bowl at a Time 2 p.m - 3 p.m. Bethabara Help us to ensure that there are no empty bellies while creating a lasting picture of your help through the "Empty Bowl" charity fundraiser. No sign up is necessary, but space is limited, so get there early! Let Go & Let them Soar 3 p.m - 4 p.m. Piedmont Zack McCallie This workshop will offer ideas and thoughts about how your club could move forward and continue to grow for the future. Do not be afraid to let your club soar, you SATURDAY WORKSHOPS
might be amazed at what it could do! Club Secretary & Treasurer Training: Mastering Efficiency & Communication 3 p.m - 4 p.m. Winston Juliann Poff & David Thompson
The secretary and treasurer roles in a club work closely together and are vital to maintain accurate records and efficiently communicate within your club, zone, district and national. Treasurers hold more than just the keys to a club’s finances. They are looked and counted upon for their honesty and integrity. Whether you are a seasoned officer or just starting, this workshop will review the duties and responsibilities of these two offices, and we will provide you with a toolkit of skills to elevate your role and contribute to the success of your club.
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