2024 Ruritan National Convention Program
American Flag Etiquette 11 a.m - 12 p.m. Piedmont Wally Hudson
This workshop encompasses everyday household knowledge of common courtesies and measures of respect for “Old Glory”, commonly known as the Flag of the United States of America. It will give a brief and basic history of how the Flag became known as the primary symbol of the United States of America and the best-known symbol of freedom all over the world. It will enhance your knowledge of the known and many unknown aspects as to what is respectful and that which is not to our Flag. Risk Management & Ruritan Finances 11 a.m - 12 p.m. Winston Sarah Kelly, David Thompson, Budget & Finance Committee Protecting the things that we hold important by identifying and then managing threats that could severely impact our organization and our reputation and a conversation about the 2023 Financial picture as outlined in the Annual Report. Future Candidates: Paving the Path to Service 11 a.m - 12 p.m. Corpening Glen Broadwater & Danny Privott Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Are you considering running for an office but want to understand the expectations and responsibilities involved? Join our workshop to gain valuable insights and prepare yourself for a successful journey into leadership. Who – What – Where - When and Why of Project Planning 11 a.m - 12 p.m. Salem Starr Birx, Donna Poulton Everything you always wanted to know about projects and how to make them a success.
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