2024 Ruritan National Convention Program

Saturday Business Meeting

Gallery Ballroom 8:30 a.m. Presiding: Michael Morrison 2023 National President

**The National President’s escorts are second - year National Directors Roger Davis, Lynn Fillers, Cassandra Flanagan, Zack McCallie, Perry Marshman, Donna Poulton, and Ron Reid. Announcements Juliann Poff Welcome Michael Morrison Credentials Second Report Juliann Poff, National Secretary Introduction of the National Board Michael Morrison Recognition: Members Years of Service Recognition: Ruritan Forever Participants Recognition: Golden Key Recipients Recognition: Gold Community Service Clubs Recognition: Outgoing Board and Committees Membership Awards

District Growth Awards Communication Awards Other Awards Ruritan National Foundation Phillip Bradshaw, Foundation President National Treasurer’s Report David Thompson National Secretary’s Report Juliann Poff Executive Director’s Report Sarah Kelly Resolutions Committee John Biery, National Director Bylaws Committee Report George Brothers, National Director


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