2022 Impact Report

Summer Camp BY THE NUMB3R5 490 Registered Youth $741,581 Summer Camp Organizational Expenses

154 Field Trips

150 Summer Staff

WHEN SCHOOL IS OUT, C lub IS IN! In 2022, 490 youth attended Club at one of our 11 Summer Camp locations. Open 10 hours 4-5 days a week for 7-8 weeks (depending on site), the Club provides a safe and productive place for local

Here is a sampling of the field trips our Club members took during the summer of 2022:

30,000 Breakfast and lunches served Nearly

14,000 Snacks More than

Fallon Park Pool Skate Center of Roanoke Valley AMF Hilltop Lanes Salem Red Sox Game Roanoke Starcade

young people to spend their summertime days. Club kids engage in reading challenges, physical activities, community service projects, cooking, special partner visits, educational and recreational field trips, and much more! Most Club families pay no fee for their children and teens to attend. Club also provides breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon snacks for our growing kids. Summer Camp is a critical component of our year-round

Roanoke River Greenway Taubman Museum of Art Richmond Zoo Amazement Square in Lynchburg Dixie Caverns

419 Youth who participated in academic tutoring

420 Participants in summer swimming program 50% 9th Street families who received a summer camp scholarship

Virginia Safari Park Apple Ridge Farm SeaQuest Lynchburg

youth development program that is made possible thanks to generous local support.

"I love Boys & Girls Club Camp because everyone is super friendly and comes up with wonderful

activities that really brighten our days!" — Dylan , Summer Camp Club Member


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