2022 Impact Report

PARTNERSHIP and Program Highlights C rop Culture is a program for teens and tweens at our 9th Street Club in Roanoke City and we had a successful 2022 program year. Crop Culture provides a hands-on learning experience that teaches youth about agriculture and the environment. The program focuses on gardening, harvesting, food prep, business, and environmental education. Each March through September, Club members grow their own fruits and vegetables in the Club garden, which they can then harvest and use in cooking classes. Youth learn the importance of healthy eating and sustainability, as well as the science behind plant growth and development. The kids then sell their produce at the market. Environmental education is a key component of Crop Culture. Youth in the program discuss and explore composting, recycling, and conservation. This program teaches children about the impact that human activities have on the environment and how they can make a difference in their communities.

In October, Crop Culture members presented at the Harvest Festival at Morningside Urban Farm. They handed out free Crop Culture pins and flower and veggie seeds while practicing their communication and PR skills by taking turns at the table with their advisors. LEAP (Local Environmental Agricultural Project) and HCAT (Healthy Community Action Teams) partnered with us by providing financial support, kitchen space, and programmatic support, as well as the market space for Crop Culture members to sell their goods. This provides members with additional collaboration opportunities and professional guidance. Crop Culture members also worked with I <3 SE , a local non-profit that endeavors to beautify Southeast Roanoke, on a mural in the garden at our 9th Street Club. Kids of all ages can enjoy the new and improved space and Crop Culture members see it as a reminder of their hard work over the course of the season. Crop Culture is a fun and engaging program. By providing children with hands-on experience in gardening, farming, and environmental education, the Club is helping them develop important skills and knowledge that will benefit them throughout their lives. Through these programs, children are learning about the importance of agriculture and the environment, as well as the value of hard work and dedication.


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