2022-2023 Independence Middle School Handbook
End of Year Reward Celebration Fun Day
End of Year Reward Celebratio Fun Day
End of Year Reward Celebration Fun Day
Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan throughout the 20 22-2023 school year will be eligible to attend an end of the year celebration!!!!! Criteria to go to Reward Celebration Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan throughout the 20 22-2023 school year will be eligible to attend an end of the year celebration!!!!! Attendance – No more than 4 unexcused days absent per year. * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or unexcused check-outs= 1 absence. Criteria to go to Reward Celebration Academics – Must maintain a passing grade in all core classes. Attendance – No more than 4 unexcused days absent per year. * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or unexcused check-outs= 1 absence. Behavior - No more than 1 day out-of-school suspension, after- school detention, or bus removal. (Transfer students will be considered on a case-by-case basis.) Academics – Must maintain a passing grad in all core classes. Behavior - No more than 1 day out-of-school suspension, after- school detention, or bus removal. (Transfer students will be considered on a case-by-case basis.) * Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for the year ), doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to court.
Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan throu the 20 22-2023 school year will be eligible to att an end of the year celebration!!!!!
Criteria to go to Reward Celebrati Attendance – No m re than 4 unexcused days absent per ye * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or unexcused check-outs=
Academics – Mus maintain a passing grade in all core classe
Behavior - No more than 1 day out-of-school suspension, afte detention, or bus removal. (Transfer students will be c nsidered on a case-by-case basis.)
* Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for t doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to cou
** $5 charge will be required to help with the cost of the celebration.
* Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for the year ), doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to court.
** $5 charge will be required to help with the cost of the cele
** $5 charge will be required to help with the cost of the celebration.
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