2020 Convention

(c )

The Convention further ratifies the results of the election for Provincial Synod Deputies, Provincial Synod Alternates and United Thank Offering Coordinator from among the January 2020 Nominees.

(d) This Canon shall be effective immediately upon its adoption, and shall remain in effect until the opening of the 2021 Annual Convention, at which time it shall automatically expire. 2020-C2.B. The Committee also recommends amending Canon 8, Section 6(b) as follows: (b) A January meeting, at which the matters and resolutions to come before Convention may be reviewed and discussed. This meeting may also nominate one alternate for each Nominee nominated at the Fall meeting, and if for any reason the Nominee for any office is not able to stand for election at Convention the alternate nominated for such office shall stand for election at Convention. Additionally, if a Convocation has failed to put forward a Nominee who, under Section 6(a)(1) or 6(a)(2) of this Canon was to be nominated at the Fall Meeting, then for good cause shown the Executive Board of the Diocese may permit the Convocation to put forward a Nominee for such position at the January Meeting. The Committee believes that the proposed amendments are consistent with the Constitution of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and the existing Canons, and recommends their adoption. VESTRY OATH Canon 11, Section 10 of the Canons require that each Vestry member of a parish subscribe to the declaration and promise as set forth therein. This declaration and promise is cRPPRQO\ UHIHUUHd WR aV WKH ³YHVWU\ RaWK.´ DXULQJ WKH 2018 AQQXaO CRQYHQWLRQ, TKH RHYHUHQd Ray Moore, Christ Church, Big Stone Gap, requested that the Committee review the vestry oath and, if appropriate, recommend revisions. The Committee, after consultation with and agreement from Mr. Moore, then deferred this matter until the 2020 Convention. TKH CRPPLWWHH dLVcXVVHd MU. MRRUH¶V cRQcHUQV aW OHQJWK, aQd UHYLHZHd WKH CaQRQV RI other dioceses to compare the language of their required oaths to the language in our current Canons. In the course of this work, the Committee learned that the Diocese of Southern Virginia had recently revised its required vestry oath in order to clarify it and to remove unnecessary and/or archaic language. The Committee ultimately agreed that the language adopted by the Diocese of Southern Virginia should be adopted for use in our Diocese. The Committee therefore recommends that our Canon 11, Section 10 be amended as follows: 2020-C3

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