2020 Convention
required coverages in at least the minimum specified amounts, shall be forwarded WR WKH BLVKRS RU WKH BLVKRS¶V dHVLJQHH. TKH E[HcXWLYH BRaUd RI WKH DLRcHVH Pa\ alter or waive specific insurance requirements in writing for good cause upon petition from a parish. 2020-C2 AMENDMENTS TO PERMIT CONVOCATIONS TO PUT FORWARD NOMINEES AT THE JANUARY CONVOCATION MEETING UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. Canon 8, Section 6 requires nominees for certain positions to be elected at Convention to be nominated at the Fall Convocation Meeting. That provision also provides that if a Convocation nominates an individual at the Fall Convocation Meeting, and that individual is subsequently unable to stand for election (for example, due to an illness or relocation), then the Convocation may nominate a substitute at the January Convocation meeting. There is currently no provision that allows a Convocation to nominate an individual to stand for election to a position at the January Convocation Meeting if that Convocation failed to nominate an individual to stand for election to that position at the Fall Convocation Meeting. At the 2019 Fall Convocation Meeting, due to an administrative oversight, the Convocations failed to nominate individuals to stand for election at Convention as Provincial Synod Deputies, Provincial Synod Alternates, and United Thank Offering Coordinator. Because a resolution cannot override the Canons, it is therefore necessary to adopt an amendment to the Canons to permit the Convention to consider nominees for these positions who were nominated at the January Convocation Meetings, and to ratify the results of the election among the candidates nominated at the January Convocation Meetings. The Committee also considered whether to amend the Canons to provide a mechanism to have individuals nominated at the January Convocation Meetings should that become necessary in the future. Accordingly, to address the immediate issue, the Committee proposes to add a Canon that would be effective only from the time of its adoption until the opening of the 2021 Annual Convention. The Committee also proposes to amend current Canon 8, Section6(b) to address this issue should it arise in the future. 2020-C2 consists of two separate proposed amendments. 2020-C2.A. The Committee recommends adoption of a new Section, designated Section 6.1, to Canon 8 as follows: Section 6.1. At the 2020 Annual Convention only: (a) Nominees to stand for election as Provincial Synod Deputies, Provincial Synod Alternates or United Thank Offering Coordinator who were nominated at the January 2020 Convocation meetings (³JaQXaU\ 2020 NRPLQHHV´) Pa\ VWaQd IRU HOHcWLRQ aW CRQYHQWLRQ.
The Convention ratifies the nomination of the January 2020 Nominees by the Convocations and affirms their right to stand for election at the 2020 Annual Convention.
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