2020 Convention


Pam Garrison, St. Mark, Fincastle Over the last twenty years, I have served on Vestry (Senior/Junior Warden), Search Committee Chair, and in multiple other ministries. I participated in a successful legal mediation regarding a property issue. I co-lead WUDLQLQJV RI 6DIHJXDUGLQJ GRGĀ¶V PHRSOH DQG XSGDWH WKH SURJUDP DV QHHGHG. My background as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and public-school administrator required representing schools in the Courts, and counseling families and adolescents in difficult situations. My experience shapes my understanding that unethical or illegal actions create difficult and hurtful ramifications for all parties involved. This underscores the need to be judicious in assessing any reported situation, prayerful in discernment regarding outcome and respectful of confidential information. My ability to listen carefully to facts and team members, my assessment skills and ability to ask difficult questions when faced with sensitive information makes me a viable Lay candidate for the Discipline Committee.

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The Rev. Connor Gwin , Non-Parochial We are the Body of Christ called to live out God's mission. With that calling comes community and with community comes rules, boundaries, and trust. When any of those pillars are broken or violated, it is vital for the Body to care for one another and provide paths to wholeness. Our Diocesan body cares for each other and our common life through the work of the Disciplinary Board. I am honored to be nominated from the Augusta Convocation for this important work. I have served on various Boards and Committees including serving as Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Kanuga Conferences (Hendersonville, NC). I currently serve as Chaplain at Stuart Hall School.

The Rev. Catharine Montgomery, Non-Parochial I have been in this diocese for about 45 years. As a lay person I served on several diocesan committees including stewardship and the education consortium. I have been ordained for 20 years and served as associate at St. Paul's, Lynchburg for 7 years and as rector of Grace Memorial for 10 years. After ordination I facilitated Fresh Start for clergy new to the diocese and worked on a church planting taskforce. I served a three-year term on the disciplinary board. I retired in 2016 and have been serving as supply clergy in our convocation.

The Rev. Kathy Kelly, Grace, Radford Rector of Grace Church, Radford, Kathy has been a priest for five years after serving three dioceses as a deacon. She is well versed in the disciplinary process. In her D. Min. project at Sewanee, she wrote a history of the original development by General Convention of canon laws specific to the ordained ministry. In this research, she examined changes to Title III and Title IV canons over the past 50 years. She is trained in interim ministry, licensed as a professional counselor in Virginia, and is a Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Prior to parochial ministry, Kathy practiced as a psychotherapist, served as a hospital and hospice chaplain, and provided counseling for bereavement and prison ministries.

The Rev. Bob Brodie, Non-Parochial As a former law enforcement investigator, I frequently dealt with municipal, state, and federal disciplinary matters. When Title IV was changed by General Convention, all canons and bishops were requested to attend training in the Diocese of Minnesota. After serving two parishes in Tennessee and then serving as Canon to the Ordinary in East Tennessee and Canon for Ministry in the Diocese of Tennessee for thirteen years, I have dealt with numerous disciplinary cases. I have served as the President of the Disciplinary Court in Springfield, IL and have served on Provence V Provincial Court of Appeals. I believe every complainant should have a voice but all cases should be decided on facts, not rumors or innuendos. 17

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