2020 Convention


The Rev. Shelby Owen, Emmanuel, Staunton I have been a part of this diocesan family for over ten years and at various times have served on the Executive Board, the Disciplinary Board, the Grace House Board and the Commission on Ministry. These experiences, in addition to having been a parish priest all along the way, have caused me to grow and have helped me to connect with many people in the diocese. Those connections and relationships have brought me great joy as I've served God in the church. If elected, I would strive to bring a listening ear, a discerning mind and heart, and a deep love for God's people.

The Rev. Chris Roussell , St. John, Lynchburg Having served on Diocesan Council in South Dakota, I have a deep respect for the work that takes place beyond our parishes. Supporting the diocese financially and with our own time and talent provides an example to our own parishioners that we practice what we preach when it comes to stewardship. I strive to see the 'big picture' while also respecting the individual details that comprise that picture. This broad and narrow approach to diocesan work is important as our spirituality seeks to respect collaboration and communal discernment. The power of Jesus Christ that is given to us through the Holy Spirit is real and made manifest in our shared faithfulness. God does not ask of us to be successful, but to be faithful. In our faithfulness we will discover the fruit that is to be harvested with God's help.

The Rev. Eric Long, St. John, Roanoke I have been ordained a priest for 20 years and have served in every size congregation from a church start to a large church such as St. John's. Within Southwest Virginia, I was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee in 2018 to fill a vacancy left by a departing priest. I also am a member of the Disciplinary Board. In my former diocese (Central Gulf Coast), I was the president of the Standing Committee and led that group through a bishop retirement and subsequent search.

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Frank Babcock, Trinity, Staunton It would be a privilege to be selected as a member of the Disciplinary Board. I am a life-long Episcopalian with a deep appreciation for the mission and traditions of this church. I am currently serving as a Vestry member and a Eucharistic Minister at Trinity. I hold a Ph.D. in Counseling from Ohio University. My skill set includes the ability to listen to what is said and to discern the emotions behind the words. My work life includes 45 years in higher education. The majority of that time I was the Dean of Student Services. In this position, I was involved in numerous investigations of alleged misconduct, and I frequently chaired the hearings. I feel that these experiences will enable me to be an effective Disciplinary Board member.

Frank Slavin, St. John, Wytheville Born 11-22-1942. B.A. in English, 1969, J.D. Washington & Lee University, 1975. Retired attorney. Member St. JRKQ¶V, :\WKHYLOOH, VLQFH 1976. 9HVWU\ PHPEHU VHYHUDO WLPHV, 6HQLRU :DUGHQ RQ WZR RFFDVLRQV, OD\ UHDGHU DQG chalicer, served on discernment committee, previously served on disciplinary board, delegate or alternate to council (now convention) for approximately 20 years.


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