2018 National Convention Program
And the final national bylaws amendment references Article V, Section 3E - National Directors which cur- rently reads, “Twenty-one directors will be elected for a three (3) year term. Seven (7) will be elected for a full term each year with no more than two (2) elected for full terms from the same state in any one year. No director who has completed a full three (3) year term will be eligible for re-election until a lapse of one (1) year.” Strike the last sentence from Article V, Section 3E. National Directors. “No director who has com- pleted a full three (3) year term will be eligible for re- election until a lapse of one (1) year.” REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT: To bring consis- tency to the Bylaws regarding the eligibility for re- election of our National Treasurer, National Secretary, and National Directors. According to the Ruritan National Bylaws these three amendments can be considered by delegates pro- viding they were approved by the National Board of Directors and are published in the Ruritan National Magazine at least 30 days before the opening of the next scheduled Ruritan National Convention. Bylaws amendments voted on by delegates must pass by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting.
67 2018 Commemorative Program
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