2018 National Convention Program
The second national bylaws amendment proposes that Article V, Officers, be amended by striking text and replacing text as outlined below: Section 1. Elected Officers. Be amended by striking, “The elected officers of Ruritan National shall be a president, a president-elect, a secretary, a treasurer, and twenty-one national directors.” Article V, Officers, Section 3. Term of Office. A. President. “Shall be elected annually in a manner prescribed in these bylaws and hold office for one (1) year or until a successor is elected and installed.” Article V, Section 3. Term of Office. A. President. Strike all and replace with, “The President–Elect after completing their term, shall be installed as President for a term of one (1) year unless otherwise pre- scribed in these bylaws.” Article V, Officers, Section 4. Vacancy in Office. Be amended by adding, “In the event of a vacancy of the office of President-Elect, a special election for Presi- dent will be held at the next National Convention.“ REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT: Housekeeping measures for Sections 1 & 3 and to address the issue of how to fill the untimely vacancy of the President-Elect. Since we do not elect a President but install the Pres- ident-Elect into the office of President, we would need a special election for the President at the next National Convention.
66 2018 Commemorative Program
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