2018 National Convention Program
The first proposed national bylaws changes calls for ARTICLE III, Membership/Members, Section 3. Classifications be amended by adding the following after item “G.” H. Affiliate. 1. Ruritan Affiliate Members shall be comprised solely of members who have dropped from a local Club but want to remain affiliated with Ruritan. Affiliate members will not be associated with any Club or District. 2. The purpose of Affiliate Mem- bership is to allow members to maintain contact with Ruritan and continue to support this organization. Affiliate members can choose to change to a regular Club member at any time upon approval of a local Club. Approval of this bylaws amendment will require Article III, Section 4, Dues and Fees be amended to add item H. Affiliate Member Dues. Affiliate member annual national dues shall be equal to those deter- mined by the BOD for Active Adult members. REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT: This bylaws amendment will, in essence, create a new class of Ruritan membership. The idea is to capture Ruritan members who have dropped from existing clubs by inviting them to remain as an affiliate member in order to maintain them in the Ruritan family. Example - Net loss of 848 members in 2016 cost $37,312. *************** Bylaws Issues Appearing on Ballot **It is noted that the recommended changes require a 2/3 approval of the voting delegates.**
65 2018 Commemorative Program
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