2018 National Convention Program
First Lady’s Luncheon Ballroom A & B Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 12:00 p.m. PRESIDING: Past National Director Anne Hillard Welcome Anne Hillard Presentation of the First Lady Anne Hillard The First Lady’s escorts today are: grandchildren: Lindsay Rash, Amanda Hurdle, Danielle Hurdle, Cassie Hurdle, JT Hurdle, and great-grandchildren - Alyssa Rash and James Rash, Jr. Recognition of Former First Spouses/Daughter 2000 First Lady Janie Lafollette America 2017 Spartan District Secretary Amanda Parris Introduction of DRM’s, Ruritan, Ruri-Teen, and Rudy Youth of the Year Anne Hillard Invocation Corapeake Club Debbie Parrish MEAL Introduction of the Head Table Anne Hillard Introduction of First Lady Linda Privott Jeff Privott First Lady Linda Privott’s Remarks Special Song 2017 Rocky Mt.-Durham District Governor Jeff Neese Introduction of Entertainment Anne Hillard Entertainment Jane Herlong
28 2018 Commemorative Program
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