2018 National Convention Program
Friday Business Meeting Ballroom C Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 9:00 a.m. PRESIDING: 2017 National President Danny Privott Welcome 2018 Convention Co-Chair Jimmy Bristow America Vickie Lerch Invocation Phillip Bradshaw Introduction of the National President (stand) Jimmy Bristow Adoption of Convention Program Danny Privott First Report of the Credentials Committee Jerry Atkins, Chair Report of the Nominating Committee Millard Thacker, Chair Short Speeches by Candidates Ruritan National Foundation Pat Davis Announcement of Rudy Bears/Donations Publicity & Public Relations Committee Bylaw Concerns Bylaws Committee & GD&MR Committee Presentation of Rudy Youth of the Year Danny Privott & Youth Committee Chair Mike Morrison Presentation of Ruri-Teen of the Year Danny Privott & Youth Committee Chair Mike Morrison Presentation of Ruritan of the Year Danny Pirovtt
Presentation of the Military Flags 1978 National President Bobby Wrenn Veterans Speaker Major General R. Steve Siegfried Announcements National Secretary James Mills Recess Danny Privott
27 2018 Commemorative Program
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