What’s Inside
Staff Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation haughmb@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 9 Lindsey Kingrey Administrative Coordinator kingreylb@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 1 Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Program, Tours adamsbushkj@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 3 Brad Buchanan Parks & Outdoor Education buchananbt@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 7 Allison Zuchowski Aquatics and Community Programs zuchowskiah@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 8 Chris Slusher Auburn Athletic Supervisor slusherce@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 4 Ashley Hadidian Eastern Montgomery Athletic Supervisor hadidianad@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 5 Kayla Criner Recreation Assistant crinerkm@montgomeryva.gov 540-382-6975, option 1
5 active adults
9 athletics
15 ammenities
17 aquatics
Terry Matney & Ben Sharp Maintenance Crew Leaders Justin Arnold & Preston Krisha Maintenance Staff Commission April DeMotts Board of Supervisors Liaison Adam Workman Planning Commission Liaison Susan Miller Chair Howard Eaves Vice Chair Ginny Peeples Commissioner Cory Thompson Commissioner Stephen Cole Commissioner Don Karnes Commissioner Neal Feierabend Commissioner Mark Hollandsworth Commissioner Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation haughmb@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Leigh Anne Stover Senior Program Assistant stoverla@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Recreation Supervisors Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Progr ms, Tours adamsbushkj@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Brad Buchanan , CPSI Parks & Outdoor Education buchananbt@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov ion ountyVA.gov ntyVA.gov yCountyVA.gov augh f Parks & Recreation @MontgomeryCountyVA.gov ne Stover gram Assistant MontgomeryCountyVA.gov n Supervisors da s-Bush grams, Tours shkj@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov hanan , CPSI utdoor Education nbt@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation haughmb@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov L igh Ann Stover Senior Program Assistant s overla@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov R creation Supervisors K mvia Adams-Bush Senior Progra s, Tours adamsbushkj@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Brad Buchanan , CPSI Parks & Outdoor Education buchananbt@M ntgomeryCountyVA.gov ion ountyV .gov ntyVA.gov yCountyVA.gov augh f Parks & Recreation @MontgomeryCountyVA.gov ne Stover gram Assistant MontgomeryCountyVA.gov n Supervisors dams-Bush gra s, Tours shkj@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov hanan , CPSI utdoor Education nbt@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov
19 community programs
22 family events
24 outdoor programs
37 public safety
29 trips and tours
Montgomery County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political affiliation, disability or veteran status. yCountyVA.g v ry County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs yment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political disability or veteran status. Montgomer Count is Equal Opportun ty Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the bas s of race, color, ex, national origin, m rital status, age, religion, political ffiliation, disability or veteran status. l Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs race, color, sex, national origin, m rital status, age, religion, political tatus. yC untyVA.gov ry County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does n t discrimin te in its prog ams yment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political disability or veteran status. Montgomery County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political affiliation, disability or veteran status. l Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs race, color, sex, national origin, m rital status, age, religion, political tatus.
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