Registration Information Registration Information
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Registration for Winter/Spring programs will begin on Wed., January 9 th at 8:30 a.m. Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks , click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun event for the season, add to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express . If you have registered with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email address and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email to be sent to you. If you need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the five simple steps to get set up! Mail your registration – we accept mailed-in registration anytime, as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the open of business on the day registration begins. Please make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. Register by phone – give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. Come see us! – we are open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We accept cash, check, and credit cards. Refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Inclement Weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletic programs are cancelled. Our athletics cancellation line (540) 381-6843 will be updated by 4:00 p.m. if there are any cancellations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be updated at www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics . Summer Brochure will be available May 1. how to r gister 1. Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks, click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun events for the season, add them to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. If you have registered with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email addr ss and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email to be sent to you. If you need to cre te an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple steps to get set up! 2. Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registrations anytime ( form in the back of this book ), as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the open of business on the day registration begins. Please make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. 3. Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal bus nes hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by MCPR. inclement weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletics programs are cancelled. Our athletics ca cellation line (540.381-6843) will be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any cancellations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be updated - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec. hletics. the winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 Registration for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. how to regis er . Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks, click nline in the top right corner, find your f n events for the se son, add them to nd pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCa d or American Express. If you have with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. email address and click “ Forgot your p ssw d? ” for a reset email to be sent to need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple t set up! . Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registrations anytime ( form in the is book ), as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to gistration openi g or the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the siness on the day registration begins. Please make checks payabl to ry County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. . Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business 0 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to regist r for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds e available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless e been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by inclement weather mery County schools a e cl sed, athletics programs are can elled. Our at letics n line (540.381-6843) will be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any cancellations. cs Facebook page will also be updated - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics. e winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 on for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. how t register 1. Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks, click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun events for the season, add them to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. If you have registered with us before and provided your e ail address, you already have an account. Enter y ur email address and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email to be sent to you. If you need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple steps to g t set up! 2. Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registrations anytime ( form in the back of thi book ), as long as a program is still open. If you ail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the open of business on the day registration begins. Ple se make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recre tion. Our address is at the bottom of the page. 3. Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business hou s (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We acce t cash, check or credit car payments in person. refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have b en ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by MCPR. inclement weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletics programs are cancelled. Our athletics cancellation line (540.381-6843) wi l be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any canc llations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be upda ed - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics. the winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 Registration for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. Registration for Winter/Spring programs will begin on Wed., January 9 th at 8:30 a.m. Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks , click Register O line in the top right corner, find your fun event for the season, add to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express . If you have registered with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email address and click “ Forgot your pa sword? ” for a r set email to be sent to you. If you need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the five simple steps to get set up! Mail your registration – we accept mailed-in r gistration a ytime, as long as a program is still o en. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the ope of busin ss on the day registration begins. Please mak chec s payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. Register by phone – give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal busines hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday) to register for programs or eserve our facilities. Come see us! – we are open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We accept cash, check, and credit cards. Refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are autom tic when a program is cancelled by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Inclement Weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletic programs are cancell d. Our athletics cancellation ine (540) 381-6843 will be updated by 4:00 p.m. if there are any cancellations. Our At l tics Facebook age will als be pdated at www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics . Summer Brochure will be available May 1. how to register 1. Register online - visit wwwmontgomery ou tyva.gov/park , click Register O li e in the top right corner, find your fun events for the season, add them to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. If you have gistered with us before n pr vided your em il address, y alr ady h ve an ccoun . Enter your email addr ss and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email o be sent to you. If you need to cre te an account, click “ Cr ate New Account ” and follow th 5 simple steps to get set up! 2. Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registra ons anytime ( form in he back of this book ), as ong as a program is still open. If you mail y ur registration prior to program egistration open ng for he season, it will be k pt on file and processed at the op n of business on the day registr on begins. Please make checks payabl to Montgom ry County Pa ks and Recreati n. Our address is at the bottom of the page. 3. Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal bus nes hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to egister for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come e us! - we a e open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds Refunds ar available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless ti kets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be consid red mid-way through an activity on a case-by-c se basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by MCPR. inclement weather If M ntgomery County schools are closed, athletics p ogr ms are cancelled. Our athletics ca cellation line (540.381-68 3) will be updat d by 4 f h e r a y c c ll tions. Our Athletic Facebook page ill also be updated - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec. hletics. the winter/spr ng brochure will be available Jan. 3 Registration for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. .montgomerycou tyva.gov/parks how to register . Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks, click line in th top right corner, find your f n events for the sea on, a d them to nd pay using your V s , Discover, M sterCa d or American Express. If you have with us before an provided your mail address, you lr ady have an account. email address and click “ Forg t your p ssw d? ” for a reset email be nt to ne d to create an acc unt, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple t set up! . Mail your registration - we accept mail d-in regis rations any me ( form in the is book ), as l ng as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to gistrati opening or he season, it wi l b kept on file and processed a t siness on the day registrati n begins. Please make checks payable to ry County Parks and Recreation. Ou address is at the b ttom of th page. . Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during no mal business 0 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to regist r for programs or rese ve our facilities. 4. Come se us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds av ilable if requested before the gistration adline of a prog m, unl ss e been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be consid red id-way through a a case-by-case basis. Refunds are au omatic when a program is canc lled by incleme t weather mery County scho ls a e cl sed, ath etics programs are can ell d. Our athl tics n line (540.381-6843) will be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any canc llations. cs Facebook page will also be updated - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics. e winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 on for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. how to registe 1. Register online - visit www.montgomerycou tyva.gov/parks, click Registe Online in the top right corner, find your fun events for the season, add th m to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. If you have registered with us before provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email address and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email o be ent to you. If you need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple steps to get set up! 2. Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registrations anytime ( form in he back of this book ), as long as a program is still op n. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for he season, it will be kept on file and pr c ssed at the ope of business on the day registration begins. Ple se make checks payable to Montgomer County Parks and Recre tion. Our address is at the bottom of the pag . 3. Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 d ring no mal business hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration d adline of a program, unless tickets have b en ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be consid red mid-way through an activity on a case- y-case b sis fu ds ar c whe a pr gram is cancel ed by MCPR. inclement weathe If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletics programs r c ncelled. Our athletics cancellati n line (540.381-6843) wi l be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any canc ll tions. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be upda ed - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics. the winter/spring brochure will b available Jan. 3 Registration for autumn progr ms will begin on W d., S pt. 13, at 8:30 a.m. Registration for Winter/Spring programs will begin on Wed., January 9 th at 8:30 a.m. Register online - visit w .montgomerycountyva.gov/parks , click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun event for the seas n, add to your card and pay using your Visa, Discover, M sterCard or American Express . If you hav regist r d with us before and provided your email ad res , you already have an ac ou t. Enter you email address nd click “ Forget your password? ” for a reset email to be sent to you. I you need to create an account, click “ Cr te Ne Account ” an follow t e five si ple steps get set up! Mail y r reg stration – we accept mailed-in registration anytime, as long as a program is still . If you y is r pr r m s r o e n f he s o w be kept on file and processed at the open of business on day registration begins. Please make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address i at he bottom of the page. Register by phone – give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Frid y) to register for programs r eserve our facilities. Come see us! – we are open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p. , onda thr gh Fri . We a cept c s , check, and credi cards. Refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets hav been rdered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity o a case-by-case basis. Refunds ar automatic when a program is cancelled by Montgo ery County Parks and Recreation. clement We ther If Montg mery County scho ls are closed, athle c programs are can elled . Our athle cs cancellation line (540) 381-6 43 will be updated by 4:00 p.m if there are any cancellations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be updated at w .facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics . Sum er Brochure will be available May 1.
Keep In Touch Keep In Touch
Montgomery County is an Equ and employment on the basis o affiliation, disability or veteran Montgomery County is an Equ and employment on the basis o affiliation, disability or veteran Recreation Supervisors Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Programs, Tours adamsbushkj@Montgome Brad Buchanan , CPSI Parks & Outdoor Educatio buchananbt@Montgome Montgom and empl affiliation, Senior Pr adamsb Brad Bu Parks & buchan Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recrea haughmb@Mo tgomery Leigh Anne Stover Senior Prog am Assistant stoverla@MontgomeryCo Recreation Supervisors Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Programs, Tours adamsbushkj@Montgome Brad Buchanan , CPSI Parks & Outdoor Educatio buchananbt@Montgome Mitchell Director haughm Leigh A Senior Pr stoverla Recreati Kemvia Senior Pr adamsb Brad Bu Parks & buchan Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recrea haughmb@Montgomery Leigh Anne Stover Senior Prog am Assistant stoverla@Montgom ryCo Mitchell Director haughm L igh A Senior Pr stoverla Recreati K mvia Montgom and empl affiliation,
Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks
Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks Phon : 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks
Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation li e: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks
www.youtube.com/mcpr6975 www.youtube.com/mcpr6975 mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec
www.youtube.com/mcpr6975 www.youtube.com/mcpr6975 mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec
755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073 Montgomery County Parks and Recreation 755 Roa oke Street, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073 755 Roanoke Stre t, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073 Montgomery County Parks a d Recreation 755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E Chris ansburg, VA 24073
Montgomery County Parks and Recreation 755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073 Montgomery County Parks a d Recreation 755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073
www.youtube.com/mcpr6975 www.youtube.com/mcpr6975 mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec
gomery County Parks and Recreation anoke Street, Suite 1E tiansburg, VA 24073 gomery County Parks and Recreation anoke Street, Suite 1E tiansburg, VA 24073
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