
7:4 Stability of elements at ppb concentra'on levels

Desorp'on of adsorbed inorganic anions - A3empts to remove adsorbed ions typically require extreme condi'ons and are only par'ally successful, as seen below.

Data taken from Table 1.4 pp 25 of Rudolf Bock (Translated by Iain L Marr), A Handbook Of Decomposi3on Methods In Analy3cal Chemistry, Hasted Press (a Division of John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York), 1979.

7:5 Stability of elements at ppb concentra5on levels

Preven&on of adsorp&on by complexa&on - A6empts have been made to prevent adsorp&on by complex forma&on, as shown below, but the use of rela&vely high levels of reagents increases the risk of contamina&on. Furthermore, it tends to influence the stability and chemistry of other analytes of interest.

Data taken from Table 1.5 pp 26 of Rudolf Bock (Translated by Iain L Marr), A Handbook Of Decomposition Methods In Analytical Chemistry, Hasted Press(a Division of John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York), 1979.

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