16.14 ICP-MS Measurement
Salt Buildup:
• The buildup of salts/oxides in samples containing high levels of matrix elements (sea water is a common example) will result in par;al or total clogging of the sampler cone. • Techniques used to help control this effect include dilu;on to below 0.1% total solids, flow injec;on analysis, or ion exchange removal of the matrix component(s). • Matrix components will build up on the ion focusing lens causing driG. The use of internal standards will correct for this effect.
16.15 ICP-MS Measurement
Quan%ta%ve Analysis Measurement Techniques - External Calibra-on using Calibra-on Standards
• This is the calibra-on technique that is most popular. • Many analysts use this approach for matrices that are known and can be matched. • The use of internal standards is helpful in accoun-ng for dri@. The choice of the internal standard / isotope mass combina-on is reasonably well understood. • Finally, the use of spike recoveries on a split por-on of the sample allows the analyst to determine if space charge effects are significant.
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