147th Spring Commencement
Susan Robinett Department Chair / Professor of Business, B.S., M.S. Ed., Ph.D. GRAND MARSHAL PROGRAM NOTES Concord University awards the distinction of Summa Cum Laude (“With Highest Honors”) to persons whose cumulative grade point average is 3.80 or above, based on a possible 4.00. The attainment of Magna Cum Laude (“With Great Honors”) status is gained through a cumulative grade point average from 3.60 to 3.79. Cum Laude (With Honors”) graduates have achieved an average between 3.30 and 3.59. Honors in Major Subject (Field Honors) are granted to graduates with a cumulative grade point average between 3.00 and 3.29 who have also achieved an average of at least 3.50 in all courses in their major, teaching field, or elementary specialization. A Brief Historical Background Concord University was chartered by the State Legislature on February 28, 1872, as a branch of the “State Normal School,” to offer the “normal” teaching certificate to those preparing to instruct in area schools. The University opened its doors to its first 70 students at the site of Athens School on State Street. The present campus grew from a 26-acre farm plot purchased from the Vermillion family after fire devas- tated the midtown location in November 1910. Reflecting continued expansion, the name of our institution changed from Concord State Normal School to Concord State Teacher’s College in 1931, to Concord College in 1943, and finally, to Concord University in 2004. The following description of the University’s environment was printed over one hundred years ago in the 1899 Catalog: “The air, the water, and the scenic beauties of the place conspire in producing the health and strength which should distinguish the West Virginian. And these good influences are aided by the absence of all temptations to vice. No school can be more free from all those influences which tend to degrade either the moral or physical well-being of the young.” Concord’s continuing mission is to provide quality, liberal arts-based education, to foster scholarly activities, and to serve the regional community.
PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance by Sir Edward Elgar.......................................................................The Concord University Band Recorded Spring 2021 David Ball, B.A., M.M., D.M.A (The audience is requested to rise for the Processional and to remain standing until the Grand Marshal directs the audience to be seated.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................................................................... Led by Dr. Susan Robinett
STAR-SPANGLED BANNER ...............................................................................................The Concord University ConChords Recorded Spring 2021 Kelly Hudson, B.A., M.M., D.M.A.
WELCOME Kendra Boggess, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. ......................................................................................... President of Concord University
CONFERRING OF THE DEGREES IN COURSE The candidates will be presented to the President by Edward Huffstetler, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Kathryn Liptak, B.S., M.A., Ed.D., Associate Provost and Interim Dean of the College of Professional and Liberal Studies, will assist Dr. Kendra Boggess, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., President of Concord University, in the hooding of all master’s degree candidates. PRESENTATION OF THE DIPLOMAS 6:00pm........................................................................................................................................................ Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Business Administration Master of Education Master of Arts in Health Promotion Master of Social Work CONCORD UNIVERSITY ALMA MATER .......................................................................The Concord University ConChords Recorded Spring 2021 (The audience is requested to rise for the singing of the Alma Mater. The lyrics are printed on the back cover of the program.) RECESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance by Sir Edward Elgar.......................................................................The Concord University Band Recorded Spring 2021 (The audience is requested to remain seated during the recessional.)
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ACADEMIC REGALIA Academic regalia, consisting of a gown, a hood, and a cap, dates from the Middle Ages and may be worn on occasion by anyone holding a degree. Golden stoles worn over the black gown dis- tinguish our commencement honor graduates. Holders of a postbaccalaureate degree wear a gown which differs in design and ornamenta- tion, particularly in the sleeves. Hoods symbolizing the master’s and doctoral degrees include in their lining the official colors of the institution from which the degree was received. The color of the velvet on these hoods indicates the field of study, some of which are listed here: white—arts, letters, humanities; drab—commerce, accounting, business;
copper—economics; light blue—education; brown—fine arts; crimson—journalism; purple—law; lemon—library science; green—medicine; pink—music; silver gray—oratory (speech); dark blue—philosophy; sage green—physical education; golden yellow—science; cream—social science; citron—social work
THE SEAL In the Spring of 1915, Dr. Felix Yanowski a Concord chemistry professor was commissioned to design a seal for the institution. The faculty adopted it as the official seal of the institution on March 31, 1915. The only changes made since then have been to change the name to correspond with the name changes of the institution, and to use the date 1872, as the year of Concord’s charter. Concord’s Board of Governors approved the new name, “Concord University,” July 1, 2004. Around the seal is a wreath made of pine leaves, denoting dignity, and oak leaves, denoting strength. At the top of the wreath is a dove of peace. In the center of the seal can be seen the figure of a teacher who is imparting learning to an eager student standing beside him. In the teacher’s hand is a book of literature. At his feet is a palette denoting art. The globe before him signifies science; the dividers are a symbol of mathematics. The vase and cogwheel represent artisanship and industry. In the background are oak trees, symbolic of the forest of West Virginia, and the rhododendron, the state flower. The 1927 Pine Tree yearbook described the remainder of the seal thus: “In the glow of the setting sun, forming a background for this symbolic picture, we see a scene of majesty and splendor, the beauty of those West Virginia Hills.” The above description and early history of the seal were adapted from the unofficial history of Concord University, The Pines , and the 1927 Pine Tree .
MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING Candidates for Graduation Sherry L. Watts Master of Arts in Teaching Teaching Field: Business Education Comprehensive
Morgan Ashley Carmichael Master of Business Administration Gabrielle Rene Cline Master of Business Administration Riley P. Fitzwater Master of Business Administration Danielle Nicole Hart Master of Business Administration
Jamie Kay Hogan Master of Business Administration Rebekka Grace Robinson Master of Business Administration Parker Christian Unroe Master of Business Administration Matthew Remy Weir Master of Business Administration
MASTER OF EDUCATION Candidates for Graduation
Tabitha Austin Master of Education Cognate: Educational Leadership Morgan Brown Master of Education Cognate: Educational Leadership Aaron Wayne Fowler Master of Education Cognate: Educational Leadership
Bobby Grishaber Master of Education Cognate: Educational Leadership Morgan Nicole Milligan Master of Education Cognate: Educational Leadership Tiffaney Kathleen Thompson Master of Education Cognate: Reading Specialist
MASTER OF HEALTH PROMOTION Candidates for Graduation
Xavier Braithwaite Master of Arts in Health Promotion Vanita Rachae Dowell Master of Arts in Health Promotion Jonathan William Gore Master of Arts in Health Promotion
Alyssa Mahar Master of Arts in Health Promotion Allison Michele Ratcliff Master of Arts in Health Promotion JoAnn Ross Master of Arts in Health Promotion
MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Candidates for Graduation
Ebony C. Anderson Master of Social Work Brandy B. Blatt Master of Social Work Lillie Marie Boyd Master of Social Work Peyton Gabrielle Brown Master of Social Work Eva Meredith Buck Master of Social Work Heather N. Bumgarner Master of Social Work Destiny Nicole Clemins Master of Social Work
Darby Fitzpatrick Master of Social Work LaDonna Gilpin Master of Social Work Ryder Davis Gore Master of Social Work Travis Granich Master of Social Work Claire Marie Griffin Master of Social Work Ann Haley Master of Social Work Magan LaTara Hatten Master of Social Work Gabrielle Ann Jones Master of Social Work Anastasia Keener Master of Social Work Mikayla Lawrence Master of Social Work Madisen Jones Levesque Master of Social Work
Meegan Lynn Cordero Master of Social Work Ashley Dawn (Frey) Covington Master of Social Work Elizabeth Ann Dempsey Master of Social Work Alexis Ferry Master of Social Work
MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Candidates for Graduation
Jennifer Lilly Master of Social Work Molly Loker Master of Social Work
James Curtis Parker Jr Master of Social Work Madisson Perdue Master of Social Work Dwain Porterfield Master of Social Work Julie Marie Remillard Master of Social Work Jenny Richards Master of Social Work Abagail Hager Master of Social Work Christopher Smallwood Master of Social Work Wilson Smith Master of Social Work Angel Beth Steplowski Master of Social Work Sally Anne Stewart Master of Social Work Megan Marie Vance Master of Social Work
Kevin David Marra Master of Social Work Jessica Marie McConnell Master of Social Work Olivia McCormack Master of Social Work Lola Elizabeth McKinney Master of Social Work
Samantha McKinney Master of Social Work Kelsi Meadows Master of Social Work Amber Monroe Master of Social Work McKayla Moore Master of Social Work Jeremy Scott Nelson Master of Social Work
Jessica Whitt Master of Social Work
THE UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM SATURDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF MAY THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY TWO NINE & ELEVEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING & ONE O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON PRELUDE Selections by The Concord University Band..................................................................... Dr. David Ball, B.A., M.M., D.M.A Selections by The Concord University ConChords..................................................Dr. Kelly Hudson, B.A., M.M., D.M.A. (The audience is requested to rise for the Processional and to remain standing until the Grand Marshal directs the audience to be seated.) PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance by Sir Edward Elgar.......................................................................The Concord University Band Dr. David Ball
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................................................................... Led by Dr. Susan Robinett
STAR-SPANGLED BANNER ...............................................................................................The Concord University ConChords Dr. Kelly Hudson
WELCOME Kendra Boggess, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. ......................................................................................... President of Concord University
CONFERRING OF THE DEGREES IN COURSE The candidates will be presented to the President by Edward Huffstetler, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
9:00am PRESENTATION OF THE DIPLOMAS .......................................................Department of Fine Arts & Communications Department of Social Sciences
Department of Humanities Interdisciplinary Studies Regents Bachelor of Arts
Dr. Joe Ellington........................................................................................Honorary Doctorate of Humanities, honoris causa PRESENTATION OF THE DIPLOMAS ............................................................Department of Social Work and Sociology Department of Biology Department of Health Sciences Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences
THE UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM SATURDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF MAY THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY TWO NINE & ELEVEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING & ONE O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON 1:00pm GREETINGS FROM THE VALEDICTORIANS Katherine Michelle Helmick . ................................................................ Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Class of 2022 Major: Accounting Minor: Professional Accountancy Chloe Martin King . ................................................................................................................... Bachelor of Science in Education Class of 2022 Major: Education/Elementary Concentration: Elementary Education K-6 Colton Elliott Lively ............................................................................................................................................ Bachelor of Science Class of 2022 Major: Mathematics Minor: Political Science Marisa S. Montgomery . ..........................................................................................................Bachelor of Science in Education Class of 2022 CONFERRING OF THE HONORARY DEGREE AND HOODING CEREMONY Gregory M. Allen......................................................................................Honorary Doctorate of Humanities, honoris causa Class of 1970 PRESENTATION OF THE DIPLOMAS ...............................................................................................Department of Business Department of Education Department of Mathematics and Computer Science CONCORD UNIVERSITY ALMA MATER .......................................................................The Concord University ConChords (The audience is requested to rise for the singing of the Alma Mater. The lyrics are printed on the back cover of the program.) RECESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance by Sir Edward Elgar.......................................................................The Concord University Band (The audience is requested to remain seated during the recessional.) Major: Education/Secondary Concentration: English 5-Adult
For graduation photo information, please contact GRADImages. www.gradimages.com or 1-850-907-2740
Elizabeth Carey Bachelor of Arts Field Honors in Advertising/Graphic Design Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Victoria Ann Cobb Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Major: Studio Art Lisa Gail Coburn Bachelor of Science Field Honors in Communication Arts-Theatre Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Theatre Erin Carene Duffy Bachelor of Arts
Corey L. Lucas Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Major: Studio Art Minor: Theatre Travis Dillon McGlothlin Bachelor of Science Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Multimedia Communication Megan LouAnn McGraw Bachelor of Arts Summa Cum Laude Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Major: Studio Art Minor: Psychology Bayleigh Anne Meadows Bachelor of Arts Summa Cum Laude Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems Minor: Business Administration Minor: Studio Art
Magna Cum Laude Major: Studio Art Minor: Business Administration
Christopher Dunn Bachelor of Science
Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Broadcasting Meredith Kay Gwinn
Brandon L. Roberts Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Speech Communication Major: Psychology Samantha Ann Hazelwood Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Broadcasting Rachel Jarvis Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Major: Studio Art Minor: Business Administration
Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Broadcasting Phelicity Robinson Bachelor of Arts Major: Advertising/Graphic Design
Grace Watson Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude
Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Journalism Minor: English
Amanda Banfield Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Psychology Major: Sociology Criminology Noah Holland Clark Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Political Science Minor: Legal Studies and Pre-Law Kiera Conner Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Psychology Minor: Early Intervention Cameron Cook Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Psychology Minor: Political Science Minor: Sociology Kelli Elizaveta Ellison Bachelor of Science Field Honors in Sociology Criminology Major: Psychology Major: Sociology Criminology
Meredith Kay Gwinn Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Psychology Major: Communication Arts Concentration: Speech Communication Jake Hamilton Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Political Science Minor: Legal Studies and Pre-Law Minor: Sociology Tori Hanes
Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Psychology Major: Sociology Delissa Jo Marie Haynes Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Political Science
Minor: Criminology Minor: Psychology Hollie Nagy Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Psychology Minor: Criminology
DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES Candidates for Graduation
Joseph Ian Addison Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude Major: English-Literature Cheyenne Loomis Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude Major: History Minor: Sociology Minor: Women’s & Gender Studies
Dylan M. Pauley Bachelor of Arts Major: English Minor: Social Work Abigail E. Stimson Bachelor of Arts Summa Cum Laude Major: English-Literature Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Secondary Education Concentration: English 5-Adult
Edward Bober Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Emphasis: Wellness
Leigh Wightman Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Emphasis: Wellness
REGENTS BACHELOR OF ARTS Candidates for Graduation
Seth Bailey Regents Bachelor of Arts Isaiah Caleb Bowman Regents Bachelor of Arts Sierra Brook Bragg Regents Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude Kyle William Brown Regents Bachelor of Arts Kristian Isaiah Drake Regents Bachelor of Arts Abigail Starr Gwinn Regents Bachelor of Arts Taneysha Dawn Hairston Regents Bachelor of Arts Leonnah Herndon Regents Bachelor of Arts
Melanie Dawn Hicks Regents Bachelor of Arts
Mary Margaret Taylor Regents Bachelor of Arts Amber D. Lively Regents Bachelor of Arts Elizabeth Virginia Elaine Martin Regents Bachelor of Arts Timmy Wayne Poe Regents Bachelor of Arts Faith Porter Regents Bachelor of Arts Steven R. Pugh Regents Bachelor of Arts Shauntina Reed Regents Bachelor of Arts
Luke Timothy Walls Regents Bachelor of Arts
Dakota B. Baker Bachelor of Science Major: Sociology Criminology
Amanda Banfield Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Sociology Criminology Major: Psychology
Madison Aleice Berg Bachelor of Social Work Magna Cum Laude Minor: Criminology Brittany Case Bachelor of Social Work Magna Cum Laude Kimberley Ann Click Bachelor of Science Major: Sociology Minor: International Studies Minor: Women’s and Gender Studies Minor: Psychology Kelli Elizaveta Ellison Bachelor of Science Field Honors in Sociology Criminology Major: Sociology Criminology
Ciara McKee Bachelor of Social Work Bachelor of Science Major: Sociology Criminology Minor: Addictions Minor: Psychology Briana Parsons Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Sociology Criminology Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Professional Kaytlin Rakes Bachelor of Social Work Minor: Sociology Robert M. Rakes II Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Sociology Criminology Bethany D. Sisk Bachelor of Science Major: Sociology Criminology Minor: Psychology Laura Sun Thompson
Major: Psychology Anastasia Garner Bachelor of Science Major: Sociology Criminology Minor: Psychology Tori Hanes Major: Sociology Major: Psychology Stephanie Jones Bachelor of Social Work Minor: Sociology Madyson Faith Kennedy Bachelor of Social Work Cum Laude Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude
Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude
Major: Sociology Criminology Major: Chemistry-Biochemistry Minor: Psychology
Sarah Young Thompson Bachelor of Social Work AJ Wilson Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Sociology
Minor: Criminology Brittany Ann Long Bachelor of Science Field Honors in Sociology Criminology Major: Sociology Criminology Minor: Legal Studies and Pre-Law
Minor: Criminology Minor: Psychology Minor: Women’s & Gender Studies Makayla S. Woods Bachelor of Social Work Minor: Criminology Minor: Sociology
Minor: Social Work Michael McGrady Bachelor of Social Work
DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Candidates for Graduation
Daniel C Baldwin Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Business Administration Tucker Bennett Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Katherine Elizabeth Curran Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Jasmine Mary Louise Daily Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Psychology Cedric Tyler Drennen Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Business Administration Leah Beth Foster Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Psychology Minor: Sports Medicine Micah Hawks Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Minor: Chemistry
Charles Hawley Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular
Shannon Joins Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physical Therapy Minor: Business Administration Minor: Sports Medicine Brandon Kennedy Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Psychology Minor: Sports Medicine Haley Lawrence Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Nathan Lease Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physical Therapy Minor: Neuroscience Minor: Psychology Leah Mattinson Marsh Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Sports Medicine
DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Candidates for Graduation
Madison Belle Maynard Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Broderick McDonald Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Minor: Business Administration Linh Nguyen
Austin Taylor Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular
Andrew Trimble Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Brittany Vaught Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Mathematics Logan Marie Ward Bachelor of Science Field Honors in Health Sciences Pre-Professional Studies Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Raheem Andre Williams Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Abby Wishon Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant
Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Briana Parsons Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Biology
Concentration: Pre-Professional Major: Sociology Criminology Kaylin Shelton Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Biomedical Robert Lee Snidow III
Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular
and Physical Therapy Minor: Neuroscience
Hunter Bailey Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Magna Cum Laude Minor: Sports Medicine Tucker Bennett Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Major: Biology Concentration: Molecular Sydney L. Philpott Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Cum Laude Minor: Sports Medicine
Imani T. Rodgers Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Minor: Sports Medicine Madison Brooke Spencer Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Minor: Health Promotion Minor: Social Work
Logan Marie Ward Bachelor of Science Field Honors in Health Sciences
Pre-Professional Studies Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Major: Biology Concentration: Pre-Physician’s Assistant and Physical Therapy Minor: Health Promotion
Raheem Andre Williams Bachelor of Science Major: Health Sciences Concentration: Pre-Professional Studies Major: Biology
Concentration: Molecular Minor: Health Promotion
Micah Elliott Bates Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Environmental Geosciences
Matthew Colin Harvey Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Geography and Geospatial Science Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: Social Studies 5-Adult
Katherine Franklin Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Chemistry Concentration: Biochemistry Minor: Psychology
Sheridan Herron Bachelor of Science Major: Chemistry Concentration: Biochemistry
Jocelyn Paige Scott Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Geography and Geospatial Science Minor: Environmental Geosciences Madison Nicole Shanklin Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Chemistry Concentration: Health Science (3+1) Minor: Biology Minor: Studio Art
Laura Sun Thompson Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude Major: Chemistry
Concentration: Biochemistry Major: Sociology Criminology Marcus Farrel Wilson Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Geography and Geospatial Science Minor: Sociology
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS Candidates for Graduation
Hannah Altizer Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Summa Cum Laude Concentration: Accounting Minor: Professional Accountancy Victoria Nneka Atasie Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Marketing Minor: Psychology Adrian Cabello Espinar Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Finance Concentration: Sport Management Minor: Entrepreneurship Minor: Public/Non-Profit Administration Robbie Cochran Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Sport Management Jordan Nicole Edmonds Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Management
Breanne N. Fields Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Summa Cum Laude Concentration: Accounting Concentration: Management Jarod Fischer Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Finance Concentration: Marketing John N. Forinash Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Finance Concentration: Marketing Gabriel Garcia Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Management Concentration: Marketing Minor: Entrepreneurship Maggie Garris Guynn Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Management Concentration: Marketing
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS Candidates for Graduation
Austin Hazelwood Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Finance Katherine Michelle Helmick Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Summa Cum Laude Concentration: Accounting Minor: Professional Accountancy Hanna Hylton Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Sport Management Alexis Jennings Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Marketing Minor: Entrepreneurship John Wesley Merica Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Accounting Emily Hannah Peck Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Cum Laude Concentration: Accounting Concentration: Marketing Minor: Professional Accountancy Aubrie Shyann Peyton Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Cum Laude
Alexis Cruise Phillips Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Sport Management Issac Prather Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Tourism Management Cum Laude Concentration: Park and Recreation Management Minor: Business Administration Minor: Entrepreneurship Benjamin Hunter Price Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Sport Management Gavin Jackson Pruett Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Cum Laude Concentration: Finance Zachary Noah Roney Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Management Minor: Entrepreneurship Minor: Human Resource Management Minor: Sport Management Jada Strachan Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Management Keegan Brent Webb Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Accounting
Concentration: Accounting Concentration: Management Minor: Entrepreneurship
Jonathon A Wilhelm Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Management
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Candidates for Graduation
Abigail Billings Bachelor of Science in Education Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 William Brown Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Special Education Teaching Field: Multi-categorical SPED K-6 and Multi-categorical SPED 5-Adult Savannah Marie-Hawkins Conner Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Joseph Dart Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Ashton Farrell Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Special Education Teaching Field: Multi-categorical SPED K-6 and Multi-categorical SPED 5-Adult Minor: Early Intervention Aaliyah Sue Morgan Gerwig Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Special Education Teaching Field: Multi-categorical SPED K-6 and Multi-categorical SPED 5-Adult Minor: Early Intervention Minor: Social Work Matthew Colin Harvey Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: Social Studies 5-Adult Bachelor of Science Major: Geography and Geospatial Science Payton Alexis Hurd Bachelor of Science in Education Magna Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6
Tara James Bachelor of Science in Education Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 William Johnston Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: Wellness PreK-Adult Samantha B Juba Bachelor of Science in Education Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Chloe Martin King Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Heather L. Martin Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Minor: Studio Art Emily Grace Meyers Bachelor of Science in Education Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Marisa S. Montgomery Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: English 5-Adult Rose Renee Richmond Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Special Education Teaching Field: Multi-categorical SPED K-6 and Multi-categorical SPED 5-Adult
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Candidates for Graduation
Karlee Jean Forren Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Hannah Grace Stauffer Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude
Hunter James Thomas Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: Wellness PreK-Adult Gillian Harleigh Tolliver Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Deena Renae Weatherbee Bachelor of Science in Education Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6 Major: Special Education Teaching Field: Multi-categorical SPED K-6 and Multi-categorical SPED 5-Adult Minor: Early Intervention Zachary Evan White Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: Music PreK-Adult
Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: English 5-Adult Abigail E. Stimson Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude
Major: Secondary Education Teaching Field: English 5-Adult Bachelor of Arts Major: English-Literature Caitlin Stump Bachelor of Science in Education Magna Cum Laude Major: Special Education Teaching Field: Multi-categorical SPED K-6 and Multi-categorical SPED 5-Adult Minor: Early Intervention Minor: Social Work
Kameron Whittaker Bachelor of Science in Education Summa Cum Laude Major: Elementary Education Teaching Field: Elementary Education K-6
Victor Odinaka Atasie Bachelor of Science Cum Laude Major: Computer Science Minor: Psychology Tylen Kendell Fowler Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems Summa Cum Laude Major: Mathematics Minor: Political Science Bayleigh Anne Meadows Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Arts Major: Advertising/Graphic Design Colton Elliott Lively Bachelor of Science
David Lee Meadows Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Computer Science Minor: Sociology
Hunter Mitchelson Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude Major: Computer Science Minor: Mathematics Tsega Tsewameskel Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
Summa Cum Laude Minor: Mathematics Jacob Wickline Bachelor of Science Major: Computer Science
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