850 Chapman Rd. Wytheville, VA 276 228 3242 • FAX 228 6703
“We Are Happy To Be Your Trusted Real Estate Professionals!”
Tommy & Gena Anders Principal Broker, REALTOR® 276-620-7703 TAnders@AndersRealty.com • Gena@GenaAnders.com
Kevin Dalton Associate Broker, Auctioneer 276-620-4838 Kevin@Dalton2.com
Mitch Anders Associate Broker 276-724-0166 Mitch@MitchAnders.com
Carroll Gordon Associate Broker 276-620-0335 gordonbc@wiredog.com
Cindy Tabor Associate Broker 276-620-9806 Cindy@CindyTabor.com
Debbie Jones REALTOR® 276-389-4219 Debbie@DebbieCJones.com
Sherry Long REALTOR® 276-620-6333 Sherry@SherryRLong.com
Crystal Ferreira REALTOR® 540-451-3129 Ferreira.Crystal0@gmail.com
Jamie Smith REALTOR® 276-620-3814 silver84@embarqmail.com
Katherine Freeman-Walters REALTOR® 276-620-6762 Katherine@KatherineFWalters.com
MLS# 67893 - PULASKI 3 BR, 1 BA, 984 Sq. Ft., 11.54 acres, laminate wood floors, full basement, 2nd brick home on property, nice investment opportunity with 2 brick homes, lot rent and 11+ acres with long range views. $169,500
MLS# 67932 - WYTHEVILLE 3 BR, 1.5 BA, 1232 Sq. Ft., hw floors, full basement, carport, well maintained, energy efficient, excellent permanent home or rental property, conveniently located to town amenities. $130,000
MLS# 68056 - WYTHEVILLE 2 BR, 2 BA, 1193 Sq. Ft., Town House, well
maintained, hw/tile floors, newer paint, walk-in closets, convenient to medical facilities, schools and other town amenities. $135,000
MLS# 68099 - WYTHEVILLE 3 BR, 1 BA, 1182 Sq. Ft., 0.50 Ac. Lot, hw floors, newer appliances, well maintained, multiple heat sources, partial basement, newer metal roof, large front porch. $122,750
MLS# 68203 - RURAL RETREAT Commercial Building, 6960 sq. ft. w/5070 sq. ft. manufacturing space & 1890 sq. ft. office space, 1.2 acre lot, upgraded power for manufacturing, spacious offices w/ bathrooms, sizable private parking lot, located in downtown Rural Retreat, priced to sell. $159,000
MLS# 68073 -Wytheville 3 BR, 1 BA, 1040 Sq. Ft., remodeled bathroom, refinished hw floors, newer carpeting, full basement, lg. yard, private pool, decks, close to town amenities. $126,500
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