Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 10 days ISS or OSS 4. Notification to parent/guardian that trespass charges have been filed 5. Notify legal authorities 1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 10 days OSS 4. Notification to parent/guardian that trespass
1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 10 days ISS or OSS 4. Notification to parent/guardian that trespass charges have been filed 5. Notify legal authorities 1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 10 days OSS 4. Notification to parent/guardian that trespass charges have been filed 5. Notify legal authorities
charges have been filed 5. Notify legal authorities
TOBACCO PRODUCT AND NICOTINE VAPOR PRODUCT RELATED VIOLATIONS (JFCH/GBEC/KGC 6/14, JFCH-R/GBEC-R/KGC-R 6/14, GBECA 6/14) Definition: The possession and/or use of tobacco, tobacco products, smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, or any reasonable facsimile of by Floyd County Students on school grounds, on school buses, during school activities, or while in school supervised events at schools outside of Floyd County is prohibited. In addition, a student who in any way encourages another student to bring tobacco and/or tobacco products to school also endangers the safety of others. Such student conduct is expressly prohibited under this policy and shall be subject to the appropriate disciplinary action, as recommended by the principal, in accordance with this Student Handbook and the Virginia State Code. (JFCH/GBEC/KGC, JFCH-R/GBEC-R/KGC-R) Disposition: (see table) Tobacco Related Violations
1. Student conference 2. Parent conference 3. Up to 3 ISS/OSS
1. Student conference 2. Parent conference 3. Tobacco Prevention Program 4. Up to 5 days ISS or OSS 1. Student conference 2. Parent conference 3. Tobacco Prevention Program 4. Up to 5 days ISS or OSS 5. Notify legal authorities 1. Student conference 2. Parent conference 3. Tobacco Prevention Program 4. Up to 10 days ISS or OSS 5. Notify legal authorities
1. Student conference 2. Parent conference 3. Up to 5 days ISS or OSS
1. Student conference 2. Parent conference 3. Up to 10 days ISS or OSS 4. Notify legal authorities
Verbal and Physical Abuse The following acts are prohibited: 1. Physical Abuse - Hitting, tripping, kicking, shoving, scratching, biting, blocking the passage of, or throwing objects at an individual with the purpose of causing harm. 2. Incitement or Instigation of Fighting - Actions or written messages intended to cause others to fight or which may result in a fight. 3. Fighting - Striking a student with the purpose of causing harm or injury (This action may extend to mutual shoving, wrestling, or other aggressive actions which could result in the danger, harm, or injury to either party, bystanders, or school property). 4. Assault on a Student - the willful use of physical violence, which is intended to result in serious bodily injury; or the use of a dangerous object in an effort to cause serious bodily injury. 5. Assault on a Floyd County School Board Employee/Other Adult - Intentional physical violence directed toward a school board employee or other adult with intent to cause bodily harm. 6. Threats - Conveying by gestures, notes, or verbal comments to or about a student/adult with the intent to cause bodily injury or to deprive the student/adult of his/her rights.
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