Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
of the school. Hazing, fighting, physical assault, and battery on school grounds or in school buildings are prohibited. Violators are subject to suspension, expulsion, and/or criminal prosecution. (JFC-R) C. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Gambling. 2. Possessing inappropriate literature/illustration/pornographic material, or unauthorized mechanical/ electronic/ communication device(s)/laser pointer. 3. Blocking entrances, exits or hallways.
4. Causing continued disruption on school property. 5. Refusing to obey the instructions of school personnel. 6. Inciting a riot.
Disposition: (see table)
Disruptive Conduct
1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 3 days ISS or OSS
1. Student conference 2. May contact parent 3. Up to 1-3 Days ISS or OSS 4. May assign community service 5. May assign detention 1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 3-5 days ISS or OSS 4. May require counseling
1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 5 days ISS or OSS
1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 10 days ISS or OSS 4. May recommend long-term suspension 5. May recommend expulsion
1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Up to 10 days ISS or OSS 4. May recommend long-term suspension 5. May recommend expulsion
DRUGS and ALCOHOL (CLA 6/18, JFCI 4/13, JFC-R 06/17 JED 06/18, JGDA 06/17, JGD/JGE 6/18, JFCF 5/15) A. Definition: Controlled Substance, Imitation Controlled Substance or Marijuana The possession, use, distribution and/or intent to distribute a controlled substance, imitation (look-alike) controlled substance, anabolic steroids, or marijuana on school property, on school buses, during school activities, or while in school supervised events at schools outside of Floyd County is prohibited. This includes, but may not be limited to, controlled prescription drugs as described in the Drug Control Act’s scheduled drug list. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use or being under the influence of alcohol, anabolic steroids, or any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids or other controlled substance as defined in the Drug Control Action of chapter 15.1 of Title 54 of the Code of Virginia and as defined in schedules I through V of 21 USC ' 812, imitation controlled substance or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. "Drug paraphernalia" shall mean those items described in § 18.2-265.1 of the Code of Virginia and "imitation controlled substance" shall mean a pill, capsule, tablet, or other item which is not a controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, or marijuana, but which by overall dosage unit appearance, including color, shape, size, marking or package, or by representations made, is intended to lead or would lead a reasonable person to believe that such pill, capsule, tablet or other item is a controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, or marijuana.
The improper use of inhalants and/or “over-the-counter” medication is prohibited.
Disposition :
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