
Featured Awards: 2023

Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Katherine Garcia - Larner Arlington Public Schools Ena Gross Professional Development

Emily Burrell South Lakes High School Scholarship Winner— Virginia Finalists Presidential Award

Yvette Lee JR Tucker High School Scholarship Winner— Virginia Finalists Presidential Award

Ashley Prickett Jefferson Houston PreK - 8 Scholarship Winner— Virginia Finalists Presidential Award

Joseph Fuoco NCTM Michalowicz First Timers Grant

Iesha Samuels NCTM Michalowicz First Timers Grant

Katie Johnson VCTM Michalowicz First Timers Grant

Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Mission Statement

The Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the public voice of mathematics educators in Virginia, supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning at the highest quality for all students through leadership, professional development, and research.

Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Vision Statement

The Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the state ’ s leading community of educators, by educators, for the benefit of all K - 16 mathematics educators. VCTM members are connected, valued, and supported to ensure all VA students access to the highest quality of mathematics teaching and learning. We envision Vir ginia students who are inspired by the usefulness and beauty of mathematics, empowered by the opportunities mathematics affords, and prepared as confident doers of mathematics in the changing Digital Era.

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 48, no. 1


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