
Featured Awards: 2022

Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Jennifer Evans Vernon Johns Middle School, Petersburg City Public Schools Michalowicz First Timer Grant Award Winner

Maria Fuentes James Madison University Edward Anderson Scholarship Recipient

Sarah Flippen Madison Elementary School, Caroline County Public Schools Virginia finalists for the Presidential Award for Excel lence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Megan Landis University of Mary Washington

Edward Anderson Scholarship Recipient

Damien Ettere Armstrong Elementary School, Fairfax County Public Schools Virginia finalists for the Presidential Award for Excel lence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Sabrina Khan Virginia Commonwealth Uni versity

Edward Anderson Scholarship Recipient

Farr Quinn (Jefferson - Houston PreK - 8 IB School, Alexandria City Public Schools)

Stephanie Kessinger Charles Barrett Elementary School, Alexandria City Public Schools

William C. Lowry Educators of the Year

William C. Lowry Educators of the Year

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 48, no. 1


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