
editing software to create TikTok - like videos with out having to post them to a public online platform.

Amanda Sawyer Associate Professor James Madison University sawyerag@jmu.edu

Lastly, have an alternative assignment that assesses the same mathematics topics or skills in a different way, in case there are students who are unable to appear in videos or do not have access to social media. Remember, the goal of using social media in teaching mathematics is to create authentic and relevant learning experiences that engage, moti vate, and help students understand and grasp math concepts. TikTok and Facebook offers a new and fresh perspective; tools to use in pedagogical ways.

Austin Evans 7th grade teacher Rockingham County Public Schools austin@teamevans.org

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Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics Membership Options:

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$25 Individual One - Year Membership, Virginia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 48, no. 1


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