Message from the President Lynn Foshee Reed
Hello VCTM Colleagues!
Shelly Pine for the professional community events and to Theresa Wills for the virtual VCTM Confer ence in March. Another suggestion, which may seem counterintui tive, is to “ engage ” your brain in something differ ent. Maybe attend a webinar on the Virginia Math ematics Pathways Initiative? VCTM has many of our members working very hard to envision, as well as provide feedback on, the framework. Or check out a virtual national or regional conference such as the Teaching Contemporary Mathematics conference in February? Watch a Numberphile video? Make math - themed arts/crafts? Read bite sized math - morsels in Plus online magazine or the Global Math Project website? And of course, this special issue on "Teaching Mathematics During a Pandemic" offers a look at how teachers have re sponded and adapted to teaching during COVID 19. Whatever you choose, whether a 5 - minute or 5 hour endeavor, let it bring you energy or peace or strength, as you need. And then, share with a friend or colleague! What I want for every one of you as we move into 2021 is to be filled with light and to reflect it back to your friends and family, colleagues and students. Please consider attending one or more of upcoming virtual VCTM events to share your successes and struggles of the past year. We are a community of strong, resourceful, compassionate, and resilient educators. Thank you for the hard work you do every single day!
My family knows that I am NOT a winter person – it ’ s not really the cold, but the DARK that gets me down. But the winter solstice marks the minimum number of daylight hours here in Virginia, and my mood will get a boost from knowing that every day through the rest of the school year will be “ lighter ” than the one before. What a wonderful, positive rate of change (sorry, the calculus teacher in me just couldn ’ t resist)! In December 2012, I traveled to Antarctica as part of my Einstein Fellowship. One of the things that I loved about that trip was the 24 - hour daylight that surrounded me – it was completely energizing. However, the curiosity and joy which came with witnessing and learning about the wonders of such a beautiful place undeniably “ lightened ” me as well. The announcement of ef fective vaccines coming in 2021 is also the kind of news that provides reassurance that things will get better.
Yet … I am bone - tired. I ’ ll bet you are, too. How can we continue to serve our students in the best way that we can, given the extraordinary circum stances of teaching and
learning during a pandemic? How do we find time for family - time and self - care? I suggest connecting to other teachers for support and to serve as a sounding - board. VCTM will be offering many op portunities to connect in 2021. I am grateful to
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1
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