Good Reads
Section Editor: Betti Kreye In this section, we feature mathematics literature that is appropriate for K - 12 Mathematics instruction. If you use specific literature for your mathematics classroom and wish to share it with the Virginia Mathematics Teacher community, please respond to the Call for Manuscripts.
The four key recommendations for Catalyzing Change for every student to achieve in mathemat ics which are woven throughout the book are (NCTM, 2018, p. 7): • Every student should learn the “ Essential Con cepts ” in order to expand professional opportu nities, understand and critique the world, and experience the joy, wonder, and beauty of mathematics. • High school mathematics should discontinue the practice of tracking teachers as well as the practice of tracking students into qualitatively different or “ dead - end ” course pathways. • Classroom instruction should be consistent with research - informed and equitable teaching prac tices. • High schools should offer continuous four - year mathematics pathways with all students study ing mathematics each year, including two to three years of mathematics in a common shared pathway focusing on the “ Essential Concepts ” to ensure the highest - quality mathematics edu cation for all students (NCTM, 2018, p. 7). The purpose of high school mathematics is to culti vate students to reach their fullest potential in mathematics personally and professionally as well as being a productive citizen in society (NCTM, 2018). High school mathematics empowers stu dents to broaden professional opportunities, devel op understanding, critique the world, and experi ence the beauty, joy, and wonder for mathematics. Mathematics in grade K - 8 is visible. Students can build connections from their everyday life to math ematics. Science, Technology, Engineering, and The Purpose of School Mathematics
Book Review of Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conver sations
By Kristin McKitrick - Rojas
The purpose of Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations is to spark the conversations of change that is necessary in mathematics education to fully prepare students professionally and personally for the 21st century. Understanding the purpose of mathematics, creat ing equitable structures, implementing equitable instructions along with developing essential skills provide the foundation for change within mathe matics education. The authors provide four recom mendations for change so that every student can achieve at their fullest potential in mathematics and be ready for the 21st century. As quoted by John Dewey “ If we teach today ’ s stu dents as we taught yesterday ’ s, we rob them of to morrow ”. The authors of Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Con versations captures the urgency of the change need ed in teaching high school mathematics to prepare students for the 21st century. The main idea of Cat alyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initi ating Critical Conversations is to spark the conver sations that is necessary in mathematics education to fully prepare students professionally and person ally for the 21st century. After four years of high school, students should have gained quantitative literacy skills and critical thinking skills that are needed to make important decisions in their lives (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 2018).
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1
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