
• 2025 - 2026 Full Implementation of 2023 Mathematics SOL ; Mathematics Essential Concepts Course Implementation • 2026 - 2027 New Graduation Requirements for Students VMPI is a long - term initiative that will require feedback from multiple stakeholders in order to be successful. Ongoing webinars and meetings with stakeholder groups will continue to be of fered by the VMPI team to ensure that different perspectives regarding this proposal are heard and feedback is collected. VMPI General Feed back is continuously being sought. Educators who may be interested in joining a future com

mittee to support the ongoing Virginia Mathe matics Pathways Initiative work are encouraged to complete the VMPI Interest Form.

Tina Mazzacane Mathematics Coordinator

Virginia Department of Education tina.mazzacane@doe.virginia.gov

Busting Blockbusters!

Many Hollywood movies have scenes that seem mathematically inaccurate, if not, impossible. Are these scenes truly impossi ble, or are they more plausible than they seem? The goal of the contest is to provide the best mathematical explanations for the following scene. The solutions that best explain a scene ’ s possibility or impossibil ity and the different elements that help form this will receive an award and the winner will be featured in the 47 (2) issue . Answers may be submitted by 05/01/2021 to vmt@radford.edu with the subject line: Busting Blockbusters entry .

In the Wizard of Oz, the Wizard gives the Scarecrow an honorary Ph.D. in “ Thinkology. ” Then the Scarecrow begins to robotically recite the Pythagorean Theo rem, stating , “ The sum of the square root of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the third side. ” What is the problem with his statement? Please provide an explanation.

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1


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